Chapter twenty nine: Does it get better?

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Does it get better;

"Why don't we ask Nick here" the voice goes again and I spin around to see a blonde standing there. Her long legs could make her a model and she stood there in those clothes we made.

I recognized the clothe immediately it was one of the ones we released for summer that went out faster than expected.

"And you are?" Nick's voice broke my chain of thoughts.

"I'm sure you can never forget me like that now can you?" she said inching further as I and Cara stared eye gaped at them.

"Can't remember you" he said and I could see honesty radiating in his eyes. I could see her smile falter but she was so quick to make adjustments.

"Well I will give you a head start" she said inching closer. Girl you go any further I may have to pull you by the hair I thought internally. "We met at Spain early this year" she said and relaxation flashed in his eyes.

"Jenny" he said and she nodded. "So how can I help you" he asked and a small laugh escaped her lips.

"I miss you and I'm sure you do too" she said giving him a slutty smile. "I miss you're body all over mine and even when we.. "

"That's enough" Cara said cutting her off.

At least this one didn't run into the arms of Nick like Resse.

"And who are you?" she asked pulling a frown on.

"His cousin" she replied sharply. "And this" she said pointing her arms at me "Is his girlfriend" she finished.

Jenny's eyes quirked up and she busted in a loud fits of laughter. "You have got to be kidding me" she said finally.

"And what is so funny" Cara said.

"It's funny, Nick never dates so don't come and give me that nonsense about a girlfriend" she said pressing her body to his.

He jerked away and gave her a glare. "I wouldn't tolerate you talking bad about my girlfriend" Nick said and I was happy for that.

"Nick I know that can never be possible" she said trying again and slowly she is already getting on my nerves.

"Jenny this is Anastassia my girl friend" Nick said and her eyes widen that he was serious.

"Then I better leave then" she said turning around with shame in her eyes.

"This is the reason you need to tie the knot fast. It will keep whores away" Cara exclaimed and I gave her a lip tight smile.

"Ana" Nick said and I like up to see his face it flashed with regret. I know he had a bad past with girl bit I wonder of I have to face this every time I go out.

"I'm fine" I assure him and he nods telling me that we have to talk about it.

"Don't panic but why are people pointing their cameras at us" Cara said pointed out and I turned to see that she was indeed saying the truth.

"Shit" Nick muttered and stood up to cover us. "The press will be here in no time" he said and I nodded although I don't know the reason why they will be here soon. "We have to leave. Cara you will leave in my car and I will send someone to come get it later" he tells and she agrees.

He expertly guides us out of the building to the car.  He drives through the swarm of people trying to take our picture.

"What was that all about?" Cara ask taking a breath of relief.

"Jenny must have spread a story and a good story goes out fast. Don't panic but you will be attacked on social media" Nick explained and I groaned.

"Why?" I ask. I already hate the attention and now more?

"Because you were seen with me. People who will call you a good digger"

"Even when she's rich?" Cara clarified and he nodded behind the wheel.

"O my God" I say repeatedly.

"At least people will know you are dating now" Cara said excited and I groaned more.

I opened my twitter page ready for the blast and it was a real blast.

@nforest found with @ahills are they dating?
This was a caption with a picture of us looking at each other this was probably when he was asking me if I'm okay. "Why?" I mutter out loud.

@ahills never knew you were such an attention seeker why do you have to use @nforest. Okay that was so rude and uncalled for I mean I'm hurt.

This particular message me a thread of people aguring and slamming each other.

"Social media is a mess" Cara muttered and I loom back to see her scrolling down her phone.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask because we have to do some thing.

"We confirm their speculation. We are dating after all" Nick said so confident that I'm shocked.

"Are you sure? There is already a lot of hate" I tell him and he smiles.

"I'm damn sure and moreover this is about us not any body" he says and my phone ringing slices the air that I almost jump.

"Hello" I say as soon as I pick up.

"Hello Ana. How did this happen" Debby asked referring to the social media battle.

"Calm down Debby we were just meeting his cousin and I don't know how this escalated to this" I say in all honesty.

"What ever you do don't check the internet" she says and I laugh. "What's funny did you already check?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yes Debby, I've already seen some hate" I tell her.

"I'm sorry it's like this, what are you going to do now" she asked and I sigh.

"Apparently what is best for us. We are going public" I say and her response is a gasp.

"Are you sure, you've always hated attention she says and I smile.

"It's for the best" I tell her and she agrees and then she hangs up.

"Too much hate can't look anymore" Cara said dropping her phone. "This is my fault why did I call you guys out" she said in a guilty voice.

"Non of this is your fault" I tell her turning to see her face. "It was still bound to happen the earlier the better" I tell her and she nods.

"But I'm still so sorry" she says.

"Stop it C" Nick speaks up and her eyes fall down. "I'm sure it will get better" he says.

I hope it does get better.

Does it get better..

Next chappies tomorrow and a frantic entrance of---------- who can guess.

Love ya to bits.

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