Chapter forty three: Will you marry me?

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Hayley was rushing her food and we tried to calm her down apparently she really wants some chocolates this night. She choked on some vegetables I am sure she did t chew but only swallow.

"If you don't eat slowly. I will not take you to uncle James tomorrow" Nick threatened and suddenly her face slowed down and I was grateful for that. I was afraid she will get some bad indigestion for the horrible eating habits.

"I'm sorry daddy" she mumbled looking like she was scolded badly and then I felt bad like I was stabbed.

"It's okay honey" I say holding her hand.

"I want to pee" she suddenly said.

I was about to call Justin to come tell her when she stopped me. "Mommy please take me" she said with a pouty face I couldn't resist.

"We will be back soon" I say leading her away. She did her business and washed her hand when I told to her too.

All the toilet close by were either closed or full of people. Seer luck right? We had to go to the one on the ground floor. We still had to wait on line as the people were really full of pee this night.

As we walked back to the roof top I was feeling happy and fulfilled because I just feel that Nick was truly the right person for me he was considerate although he still acted rashly sometimes but he still held my heart. I loved him deeply. I'm sure.

As we got back up. The lights illuminating the room had been replaced with candles. I gasped at the sight before me. Nick was standing at the far corner of the room. His was facing the city and his back to me.

Hailey ran to him and he gave her something. She got it and ran up to me. She touched my knees and I bent down low to her level. She looked so beautiful and she gave me a smile that left me smiling with her too.

"Mommy" she said showing her tooth she lost a week ago. "Will you marry my daddy?" she said and I smiled.

Nick is asking me to marry him? She brought the box to me and gave me.
"Mommy please don't say now she whispered. "Daddy will cry if you say no" she added with a laugh. It must have been amusing to her that Nick could cry.

Nick came closer while I was still on the crouching position. "I don't really know the best way to say this to you" he said going on his knees. "The first day I met you I knew that you were the one. You just made me a changed man. All I owe to you" he said tears brimming in his eyes as he tried to blink it back.

"Nick" I whisper out.

"You are just my saving grace. The reason I still here. You are too good for me but I hope you can help me to become a better person by staying by my side all the years till be die" he said and I just can't help the tears that left my eyes.

He collected the box from my hand and opened it to reveal a shining purple diamond rock. He pulled it out of the box and took my finger to slip it on it. He had an eye lock with me.

"I didn't say yes" I say and his eyes widen.

"Are you going to say no?" he asked and I shook my head.

"I sincerely think it is time" I say and a smile stretch on his lips.

"That's good" he said bringing his lips closer to mine. "I love you Anatassia Beverly Hills" he murmured when my lips touched his.

"I love you too" I murmured deepening the kiss. Maybe it would have turned into a full blown make out session if I hadn't heard the giggle of Hailey who was standing there.

I pulled from Nick and looked at her she gave me an innocent look obviously trying as hard as possible not to laugh. Who taught her this attitude? Must be James.

"So are you marrying my daddy?" she asked and I nodded she squealed happily jumping up and down. "Can we have some chocolate now?" she followed her previous question after she had jumped up and down enough.

"Yes" Nick said helping me up to my feet. Hailey screamed loudly and ran to meet Justin.

"Daddy says you should give me chocolate" she shouted loudly. Thank God we were the only ones here or else they would want to know why she was so loud.

Justin popped his face in the room and Nick nodded.

"Just one bar" Justin told her and she agreed.

"Why did you ask me to marry you when you didn't know that I loved you?" I ask him because I was too curious for words.

"Anika may or may not have told me" he admits and I laugh. She had been all up in my business lately. Now I know why.

Not much happened except a lot of kissing and finally he dropped me off at home. As soon as I entered the house ready to make my way up without being noticed I heard someone clear their throat. I liked up to see Anika standing at the entrance to the living room. Could I make a run for it?

"Come on" she said pulling my hands. "You have a lot to tell us don't you?" she asked pulling me forward.

I was about to ask who the us was when I saw everyone in the living room. Lila, Lola, Anita, Claudia, Eileen, Cara, Jade, Debby, Rachael, Leah, Riley, Resse, Tess, Cynthia and Harper.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked and they all looked at me as if I was stupid.

"You got engaged. We came to say congrats" Cara said.

"And how did you know that I got engaged?" I ask flashing my ring up to their face.

"What a huge rock" Reese said running to me. She looked at me. "I'm sorry I was an ass before. It's obvious that you guys were meant for each other." she said and my hear warmed.

"Forgiven" I state and she hugs me. "I'm glad" she whispered into my ears. Soon enough we were talking about our relationships. While Riley and derby got ready to marry. Eileen was on the edge of how Jacob was driving her crazy.

Nick was the one. I know he is the one.

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