Chapter six: The boy in the factory.

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Anatassia POV

"Good morning Ms. Hills" Elena greeted me as soon as I step out of the elevator.

"Morning Ms. Elena, come to my office for some notes" I said going in with her on my tail. "I want to speak with the HR urgently"

"Will that be all?" she asked. I nodded and she left. Yes you guessed right I am thinking of Jace I mean who the hell is he? How did he start working here? I just need to know.

Morning Ana hope you are not still mad at me. I hope I am forgiven. I read the text as soon as my phone chimed. Obviously Nick.

Well already told you that you are forgiven so please don't ask me again.  I reply and put down my phone. In less than a minute it chimes again.

Then if I am forgiven I guess I can come take you out for lunch?  I look at this. How do I tell him that I am planing on excusing myself from my parents lunch so I can have lunch with that mysterious Jace. I sigh about to suggest tomorrow when HR walks in.

"Good morning Ms. Hills" he says standing at a distance.

"Good morning, come in have a sit" I say and he takes a seat. "Do you have the files I request for yesterday?" I asked and he nodded extending me a file he was holding.

"That will be all for now" I say and he moves out. I check through the file finding neccesary details I need.

"Elena can you go down to the factory and get me Jace Fissolo" I say through the intercom.

"Yes ma'am" she says and moves out.

Someone knocks on the door minutes later and the guy that filled my thoughts enters.

"Come in and sit" I say and he does so. "I was wondering if you will have lunch with me there are a few things I will like to discuss over lunch" I say to him.

"Yes ma'am" he says and I nod. "Will that be all ma'am" he asks.

"Yes Jace thank you for your time and please don't be late" I said as he stood up t9 leave. My phone chimed and I picked.

So what do you say Ana?

Shut I forgot to text Nick and say that I can't make it. I sigh and text.

Maybe some other time I am kinda busy today.


I set my phone down and begin reading proposal letter from companies I call wannabes that want to work with us.

Soon it was time for lunch and I go to the cafe. I see Jace already sitting at the table waiting for me. I wave and go over to him he looks shy and aware that everyone in the cafe is staring at us.

"Hey" I say in one breath and sit.

He looks at me then around and shifts uncomfortably. "If this place is uncomfortable for you we can go to a restaurant outside." I suggest.

"No ma'am it's okay I mean we want to talk about work we done need to drag it out of the office premises" he says.

I nod and take a bite of my apple. Yes that Apple is my lunch because now all those secretaries and personal assistants are also eating low diet. I look around and shockingly mom and dad are not in the cafe for lunch. Self note call them later.

"Ma'am is there anything in particular you want to ask about" he asks.

I think to myself well shut I never thought about this did I? Am I trying to ask the factory boy out? That saysmuch about my relationship status and it sucked.

I give a smile hoping it had all my charms in  it. "Why you working here?" I asked trying to look for a conversation starter.

"My parents were killed last months and I am left with only my grandad I have to support him" he said in a duh tone.

I smiled weakly "so you've been working here for only a few weeks ?" I ask him.

"Two weeks to be precise" he said taking his fries to his mouth.

"Then why were you speaking for the factory workers?" I asked obviously curious to know why.

"I have seen the way we are treated because we are factory workers and I don't like it at all" he took a deep breath before continuing "no one cares if we get sick or anything because you rich guys are all so sucked up in your world to notice that we need help"

Not what I expected to hear but definitely untrue. Hills and heels is one of the most generous company out there and my parents deginetly have a hold rapour with the workers if not they will never send me to the factory. That is what the HR is for.

I look at this guy and I see a person who believes in stereotype and I am led to ask what killed his parents. "How did they die?" I mutter lowly.

"Loan sharks" he said and I understood the reason why he was angry at rich people. But hey no one forced them into taking a loan. I glance at my watch

"I have to get going hope I get to see you soon again" I say trying to drink water.

"I hope not see you again ma'am because I am turning in my resignation letter. I don't know why you picked interest in me but it must be a dangerous reason" he said standing up. "Thank you for lunch" he said as he walked away.

Awe struck I made my way out. Wait were men born to be so ego struck. I pick my phone and I see I have missed calls from mom. I redailed her line immediately.

I want to thank all those that always vote(by pressing that star button)  you make my day. Loads of love.

Cinderella again? (#1 Hills) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant