Chapter fourteen: I prayed once and that is today

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As I sit in the hall way waiting for the doctor to final attend to me many emotions run through my mind. I just hoped she was okay and fine. I will kill myself if anything happens to her.

It's my fault I should have never allowed my dad to convince me to come keep her so far away from me where I can't see her everyday. I feel so angry at myself.

"Nick follow me to my office" Jessica's voice snapped me back to reality.

I stand up and follow her to her office.

"How is she?" I ask and sit down in the sit facing her on the table.

"I was able to induce her and stabilize her we just have to wait for a miracle to wake her up now" she said with a straight face.

"How did this happen?" I ask with anger because I'm not paying so much money for them to kill her.

"The nurse on duty had already given her the drugs for the day and then she had to run so she didn't write a report the person to fill her spot gave her the same dose and this drug js very harmful to the blood streams" she said with her lips in a thing line.

"Do you know that I can sue this hospital?" I ask with rage.

"Now Nick calm down there is no need for that moreover it was a minor mistake" she said reassuringly.

"I will only take this lightly if she wakes up from this mini coma if not I'm suing" I say standing up. "How many days more can she take?"

"Probably two" she says and I flinch as of hot sauce had been thrown on my body.

"Let me go see her" I say bad she nods and leads me to the room.

There on the bed she laid helpless and weak. Her eyes shuttered closed and she was breathing. "Her breathing and vitals are normal so that's a good sign" Jessica said behind me reminding me of her presence.

"Can I have some moments alone with her?" I asks and she nods and leaves.

"In case of any kind of emergency press that red button by the headrest" she called as she left the room. I took a sit beside her bed and watched as her chest fell and rose.

She had been diagnosed of multiple times cancer. She had cancer in her bone marrow and her chest causing her to be admitted in the hospital. It has been a very hard time for me and her. Who am I kidding for her.

She is the one that has to lay on that bed all day and not be able to move. I watched her shaven head as it glowed in the light.

I can't take this anymore. I stand up and go to the small church that is down in the hospital basement.

"God I have never asked anything from you because I didn't see the need to" I sigh as I take my place on my knees in front of the altar at the church. "But God she is so innocent and doesn't deserve this from life" I sigh again and I discover tears coming down my cheeks.

"Please for once in my life prayer which I'm praying now please let her survive this she doesn't need to suffer any of this" I say with more tears coming down my cheeks.

"Mind if I join you?" someone asked kneeling beside me. "Who are you praying for?" she asked.

"Someone really special" I say in whispers.

"I hope the person survives" she said with a small smile. "I'm Tonia" she said looking at me.

"Nick" I say quickly feeling weird having this conversation.

"Nick it kind of looks weird that a grown man like you is crying" she said with a little laugh. "She must be very specail"

"How do you know it is a female?" I ask shocked at her.

"I just assumed and it seems I was right" she said giving me a glance.

"Yeah you were" I say licking my lips slightly. "Are you here to pray for someone?" I ask because if that's what she is here for she has gone of track.

"No I'm not" she say sitting down in Indian style.

"Why are you here? Do you work here?" I ask her.

"I came here because the doctors just told me that I lost my mom she said sighing. "I'm supposed to be crying but life is weird and I can't help but just look at life in a new dimension"

I looked at her strangely. If Hayley dies then my world is over. I may kill myself.

"Were you close to your mom?" I just had to ask.

"Yeah I was her only child and my dad passed away a few years ago and I'm not married so it was me and her against the world" she said with a small smile.

"I'm so sorry about your loss" I say trying to comfort her.

"Eh, she has finally rested. I mean she suffers a lot. She had cancer of the brain and it was really bad. She had seizures in awkward places until we were finally able to get a place here for her" she spoke gently.

This hospital is a special hospital for people with tumor and cancer. It's the best and that is why I brought her here.

"I better get going. It was nice meeting you Nick" she said turning around to go then she stopped. "You provably want to call your family I'm sure they will want to know how everything is going" and with that she was gone.

Speaking of calling my family. I promised Ana I will call her. I pulled out my phone to see three missed calls from Ana and some other from my parents and Lola. I look at the time after threw am. I will call them tomorrow.

I will go say good night to Hayley and then go to my hotel room where I stay anytime I come see her. I will call all of them in the morning so they won't worry.

Hey guys update as promised. Cancer. I know very bad but you will see why this has to happen. I mean it has more twist than a cinnamon rolls. Next update today.

This is what doctor Jessica looks like and Silvana Chivis plays her role here.

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