Chapter twenty two: Did I do well.

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After Nick had asked me if it was okay to kiss me and I agreed I then felt awkward immediately his lips touched mine. Good awkward if there was anything like that.

After breaking away from my lips he rested his forehead on mine and his breathing was ragged.

"You taste so good" he murmured his black eyes dark with lust. "Just how I thought you would" he added.

I don't know what to say. Is this kiss a mistake I mean we are dating and all so we can kiss right? People kiss when they love each other right? I'm so confused now.

"What is it?" he said taking my cheeks in his hands and stroking it with his hands.

"It's nothing" I say dismissing him quickly.

"Ana that look tell me that something is wrong" he says pulling back from me.

"Is it the kiss?" he asked again.

"It's nothing really I'm tired can we go inside the house" I ask trying to push of the topic.

"We are not leaving here until you tell me what is wrong" he said sternly.

"It's just that I'm thinking maybe us kissing is a mistake I mean we are not yet in love" I said quickly.

"I don't know about you but I think I feel something for you here" he said putting my hands over his chest.

My heart hammered in my chest. "Ana I know it's all too soon but I can tell you from the day I saw you it was like love at first sight" he continued.

"I don't know Nick nobody is saying you are the perfect guy because you toy with every girls heart" I say slowly I don't want to offend him.

"Yes Ana it's true that is what they say. But when I was away for two weeks I didn't look for any going whatsoever and that is so unlike me you made me this way" he said still staring at me.

"Nick it's all still new" I said trailing off.

"I know my love but give me time and let me prove myself" he said in a pleading tone.

"We promised out parents to try this out. The least we could do is do it" I tell him.

"Thank you Ana" he whispered.

"In the mean time let's not kiss" I said trying to reason with him.

"I will respect your wishes but when you want me to kiss you say so and I will not hesitate to do so" he said with a serious expression.

All I can do is nod. Way to go Anatassia. Great job. I enjoyed the kiss any way.

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