Chapter eight:Once a jerk always a jerk.

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"You know why I'm calling" I said cutting to the chase. I had no pleasure for greetings. As soon as I had heard the news from mom that he asked me to go on a date with him. I mean who does that call your mom to say o Mrs. Hills I will like to take your daughter on a date.

"I just asked for a friendly lunch so I went in a way you will never refuse me" he said and I can feel his signature smirk all over the phone.

"I may have had something planned this evening" I said to him.

"From what I gathered you have no boyfriend" he said slowly as if he was rethinking what he was about to say.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked disgusted. Of course rich people investigate others before getting into a relationship with them. I know Adams and dad have done the same.

"I don't want to come, I have something's to do" I said lying because media stalking my life was one thing I hated and I hated so many things.

"How are we going to marry if we don't meet?" he said.

"No one said anything about marriage" I said and I knew he knew struck a nerve because he laughed slightly

"Come on Ana no one needs to say anything about it, our parents want to merge companies and obviously they need to solidfy their relationship" he said. "Like in the movies and books"

"This is real life Nick we can't just go into arranged marriage" I said already tired of the conversation.

"Pick you up at seven Cinderella" he said
Don't call me that" I said quickly.


"Because I don't like it and I never said yes to the dinner."

"Ana, it's just a friendly dinner" he said and I reasoned out. I literally have nothing to lose by going with him.

"Okay" I sighed at my easy agreement. My social life was where a one year old social life should be.

"Okay as in Nick you are the most beautiful creature or Okay as in I'm coming to dinner?" he asked and I sighed. Who comes up with such things?.

"Okay as in you are the worse thing ever and I can't help it when I'm looking at you I feel like bawling my eyes out and okay as in I'm up for dinner." I said sweetly.

"You want to bawl your eyes out because I'm too beautiful for you" he said and I chuckled.

"In your dreams Mr. Forest and goodbye."

"Goodbye Cinderella" and somehow that nickname I hated from the press I loved from his mouth.

The office was uneventful and boring for starters Adams want there so I couldn't annoy the shit out of him and my parents had an emergency meeting in London so they left and I was bored..

"Ana you are back home" Anita shouted as soon as I entered the house to get ready for dinner.

"Glad to see I'm loved" I say giving her a hug

"I was bored and Nika was so so annoying today I think she's on her peroid" Nita whispered to me.

"I heard that" a very rough Nika came into sight and I mean very rough her burrente hair was all over the place and her eye red as if she was crying all day. And that's one thing because Nika was always conscious of her appearance even when she was going to bed.

"You look like shit" I said at the sight of her.

"Nice to see you too" she said sarcastically."What happened" I asked her and she tried a smile but failed.

Cinderella again? (#1 Hills) Where stories live. Discover now