Chapter Ten: I can't sleep and I don't know why.

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"You are back!" Nika said as soon as I entered the house. "I want all the gist" she said pulling me to sit with her and Nita.

"I am so tired can I tell you guys tomorrow?" I say faking a yawn because I know for sure they will think that it was a date.

"No way you are going to work tomorrow and unfortunately we have to attend school we can't flunk" Nita says.

"Okay long story short. He took me to his house made dinner for me, we ate talked and I'm back home" I said standing but for hands pulled me back down.

"He took you to his house and you guys were there alone?" Nita asked and I'm like what have I gotten myself into now. I just want to sleep okay.

"Yeah but he lives there with Lola" I say slowly removing my shoes. "She wasn't there for the night" I said and immediately regretted my decision to tell them she wasn't there because they were both jumping at my sides like two little children that have been told that Santa exists and is coming tomorrow.

"So did you guys ordered right?" Nika asked. Okay I think they are taking turns to question me.

"No actually he cooked some Chinese rice and chicken nuggets" I mutter lowly but they caught it.

"He cooked" they both yelled but they were too engrossed to fight each other.

"That is so romantic"Nita sighed dramatically. I roll my eyes at her.

"And well after that we kind of danced" I say and I don't know but apart from Debby they have been my best friends. And best friends tell each other every single detail right?

"I'm so happy for you" Nika coos in my ears.

"Yeah I am too as if anything is going on between us" I say slowly before they give me a finest scowl "Guys I have to get some sleep and we'll you can sleep on your way back to school but I have to work tomorrow so please we will talk about this some other time" I say giving up my heels and kissing both their cheeks. "Good night"

"Good night sis" they say simultaneously.

"Don't copy me" they say again.

I can just imagine their eyes roll and then a staring contest just like when we were still in high school.

"Good night guys please get some rest" I say as I head upstairs.

I enter and slowly strip of my clothes. I know I am supposed to like take a shower to remove the makeup and all but I'm just lazy so I use a cleanser and some wips. I change into my nighties and lay down.

I close my eyes hoping that some sleep will come and I will be able to rest after such a stressful day. But guess what sleep never comes.


I sigh and open my eyes. I mean I'm so damn tired and I can feel my eyes drooping so why won't I have drift to dream land. Maybe if I close my eyes more I will be able to sleep.

Just as I was about to hit dream land. My phone rings loudly. I didn't set any personal tune so the iPhone tune just fills the room. I hope with all my heart that it will stop and it stops but it starts again. I am lazy and who ever it is can call me tomorrow morning. Finally it stops and the room is silent but them it chimes indicating a text.

I opened it after much will power to get myself out of bed.

Nick: Can't seem to get you our of my mind. Can't sleep Can you?.

I can't help but laugh at him. He knew his way around thing like this. Obviously he was a womanizer.

Me: I was trying to get some when your call came in.

I say lying but in all honesty I may have fallen asleep if his call never came in.

Nick: So should I stop texting you?

I was really tempted to you know say no but won't that be like agreeing to fast. It will be like I'm throwing myself at him an we barely know each other.

Me: Don't you think we both need some sleep. We have to get to work early tomorrow.

Nick: Next time we should have the dinner on a Saturday. And this time I will surprise you.

Me: Can't wait.

I know wrong statement because I just got to know him but we are just friends nothing more and you will agree with me I need more friends in my life. If Debby gets married to Adams I know we will see each other often but she won't be that normal Debby anymore. She will be Mrs. Debby Hills. I laugh at this. We may not even be that close again.


Me: I think I'm going to get some sleep first. I am tired. Had a nice time anyway.

Nick: Good night Cinderella.

I see his last text before dropping to my bed. How does he make the nick name I hate so much so fun. I mean how can the press call a hardworking woman who didn't just wait for her prince in shinny armour to come and put food on her table Cinderella . I mean I work my ass off. Not literally but I still work.

But somehow he has a way of making that nick name seem appropriate to describe me. "Good night Knight in shinny armour" I mutter to myself because I can never send that to him or he will never let me see the end of it.

I check my bed stand clock. One am. I sigh and toss in bed. Maybe I can tell dad I'm sick and not go to work tomorrow so I can stay in sleep but that will worry mom too much. I guess coffee can work nice for me. My last thoughts before I drift to sleep was my knight in shining armor.

Hey loviles, I'm currently on a bus on my way home after my long semester. I miss home. Next chapter in a few hours probably not today but who knows I can surprise even myself and start writing again. I have a plot twist and I'm ready to use it in the next two chapter WATCH OUT.

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