Chapter nineteen: Who are you?

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I was so happy to wake up this morning. I woke up and made breakfast for me Hayley and Lola. I prepared things that Hayley will need to stay at my mom's place for the weekend. Mom says 'she needs to get closer to her granddaughter' and I'm not complaining I could use extra time with Ana. The thought make me smile.

"That smile right there is creepy" Lola said walking into the kitchen looking like a mess. Definitely not a morning person.

"Well good morning to you too. You look so nice maybe I should take a picture of you and send it to Resse title of that headline. 'What famous Lola Ashely Forest looks like in the morning'" I say with a teasing smile.

Resse is a blogger what has this blog that trolls the life of famous and rich people. Unfortunately she is friends with Lola and once had a thing for me.

"I'm sure she will be glad to hear from you" Lola said taking out a cup to pour herself some coffee.

"Now that I thought of that I will never ever do it" I say with a small laugh. "Are you going to be at home tonight?"

"Yeah, what did you ask?" she said taking a seat on one of the breakfast chairs.

"I'm supposed to take Ana for dinner and I don't want to expose her to the press yet, you know since I'm not sure if she is ready... " I said trailing.

"And you want me out of your way" Lola said with fake annoyance.

"Just for the night. You can stay over at mom's with Hayley" I suggest to her.

She looks at me and I know even though she has that look she will give in.

"Just for the night and please do not do anything stupid make her love you for the love of God" Lola said taking a sip of her already cold coffee. Ask me how I know that. She spit everything out as quickly as she took it in.

"Daddy" a smile voice came and I saw her standing by the door to the kitchen.

"Come in honey" I said crouching so I can be in the same level to hug her. "Did you sleep well?" I ask her hugging her to my chest. She nodded against it.

"What will your eat?" I ask her with a smile picking her up and putting her on the counter.

"Anything" she said shyly.

"What did they give you at the hospital?" I ask because I'm curious and I feel bad already.

"Mostly soup" she said in a sluggish tone. Her speech wasn't clear and to top it with the fact that she had missed one year of school already.

"Okay so daddy's going to make his favourite person in the world some delicious breakfast" I say to her and she nods eagerly. "What of some toasts and orange juice?" I ask her and she nods.

"Come with me I will help you clean up before daddy finishes breakfast" Lola says picking her.

They walk out and I make some toast and add some bacon to the plate. I fish out the orange juice and put it in a sipping cup for her. She comes in again slowly.

I pick her up and put her on a chair. I feed her slowly and I keep apologizing mentally to her for not being there. Hell what was I doing here. I should have gone to be with her.

When she was done she looked happy.

"You are you going to stay with grandma today" I say helping her down from the chair.

"Is she nice?" she asked with uncertainty.

"Yes she is, she is my mommy" I say reassuring her.

"Where is my mommy?" she asked and that is a question I have no answer for.

I crouch to her level and push the rebellious unpermed hair. "She will come soon okay?" I say to her.

"Okay" she said happily. I'm so glad that the tumor had been removed and she doesn't have to deal with this again. Although there is still a small size there it's still manageable from home as long as she takes her meds.

"Time for your medicine" I say picking her up and taking her to my room where we both slept after taking a glass of what. "Open up" I say and she complies.

After taking the drug. I lay her down to rest. I have to go to the office.

"Hayley come with me. I have to take my bath so I'm going to ask aunty Lola to give you a bath then I'm going to drop you both at grandma's house" I say carrying her off the bed.

"Okay daddy" she says rubbing her eyes.

"Good afternoon Mr. Forest" Cathy said with her smile that she thinks makes her look sexy.

"Morning Cathy" I say turning to face her for a minute before moving to my office.

"Your schedule for the day.. "she starts to say but I interrupted her.

"Clear everything and move it to Monday" I say taking my seat at my table.

"Okay sir" she said taking a step forward. "Is there any special reason for clearing your schedule" she asked in a flirty tone.

"Yes, I'm going out with my girlfriend" I said and I swear her face fell for a moment and then she quickly covered it with a smile.

"I didn't know you have a girlfriend" she said walking over to the other side of the table.

"Do you want to get fired?" I asked her as she neared me and she stopped.

"Now sir" she said quickly rushing out of the door.

Why is she so pushy about these things.

Me: I hope you are ready for my dinner date.
I typed in my phone and sent to Ana.

Ana: You said its a dinner. I don't think I have anything to be ready for Mr. Ego.

I can just imagine that in her vivid voice. Damn me I can't wait about four more hours to see her.

Me: can I come over to your office now?

Ana: I'm working and so are you. I don't think I want you to distract me..

Me: so you think of me as a distraction ?

How I loved pushing her buttons.

Ana: Must you make everything about you?

Me: We all know this is about me.

I stare at her name and I discover that it's saved with Ana. I ponder over it then change it to Future wife.

Future wife: in your dreams.

Me: you are always there.

Future wife: And you are cocky.

I can imagine her say that with a a smirk.

Me: What did you save my name as on your phone..

Future wife: Nick? Why do you ask.

Me: I saved your name as future wife.

Future wife: I said it cocky.

Me: I'm coming over.

And with that I was out of the building. Into my car down to the heels and hills factory.

Hey guys so sorry about the wait but next update in w bit and I'm so excited about it. It will reveal something and you may pay deaf eyes to it and blind ears. I know I mixed it up so *narrows eyes* sue me.

But please *Kneels down joins both hands together* vote and comment even share. Love ya.

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