Chapter 20: The Labyrinth is actually a dungeon?! A girl as a treasure?!

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Francisca's POV


I'm here in my room. Doing nothing but surfing the internet. What should I do? Try the new thing god told me to? Enhancing this phone or should I go training instead?

Its been a month. Then I remembered I have to visit the elf's more often. I always break promises but this time I hope to change.

I have to find mom and gain permission. She's probably in the living room. As I expected she's there what I wasn't expecting was dad and kc was there.

"Kiyuuu~~" I forgot about ginji.

"Kc! Little Ginji is so cute! Aww!" Mom said and begins to pat Ginji's head.

"Aw come on Gabby seems like the fox is kinda uncomfortable." Dad said.

'Don't you dare steal my wife! You cursed fox! You don't know what pain I had to get her! I've been rejected by her multiple times! But you! You just have to show you're cute face! You already have her heart! Damn you!'. Francis thought to himself.

"Don't you have a spirit beast Aunt Gabby?" Kc asked.

"Ah yes but mine is scary as heck! But it has a soft side too. One time I showed it to Francis he actually got scared!" Mom said.

"You should have seen it.... I was scared as...heck!" Dad said.

'This is why I hate spiritual beasts they take everything from you especially woman!' Francis thought to himself.

I jumped into the conversation.

"Where's John and Glenn?" I asked.

"Oh John is probably training a new spell I taught him." Dad said.

"And Glenn is reading in the Garden." Mom said.

"Isn't he a little too young to read?" Kc asked.

"Yes but my little Glenny wennie said 'I want to help nee~san in anyway Glenn can!' Yeah he's a good boy." Mom said.

"Wow... I have to thank him later. He's doing research on probably anything that connects demon power or books." I said.

"Yeah. I'm glad." Dad said.

"Kiyuu~~" Ginji the Fox said.

"Hey Mom, Dad can I go to the Ordonia Temple?" I asked.

"Why is that?" Mom asked.

"Did you found a boy? That interests you there?!" Dad asked.

"No, I want to visit a friend that I promised I'll visit him. I don't want breaking any promises." I said.

It is true though.

"Oh is that so I can take you there." Dad said.

"Really Francis? You know that place? You have to know the place for you to open up a portal." Mom said.

"Yeah one of my missions was to ensure the Ordonia family is safe. Sudden attacks was found there. The sudden increase of magical beast too. I was tasked to find and destroy what's causing it." Dad said.

"Did you find it Uncle Francis?" Kc asked.

"No, Still can't find it. I was hoping to get there later, but being early isn't that bad." Dad said.

"Well guess that's settled then. I'll go pack some stuff for me." I said.

"Make sure its light francisca." Mom said.

"I will mom." I said sarcastically.

"We'll go when you're finished packing." Dad said.

I went to my room, grabbed a bag,  putted all the things I need including phone, food, bandages, potions that I bought at the market and water. The visit is not going to be that long anyway but it might get dangerous. I went to the living room.

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