Surprise Date Night

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You and Neville had been dating for at least two months now but you still weren't "official". You guys had wanted to take your time to get to know each other in a romantic understanding. Neville was so perfect to you, he was sweet,charming,handsome, a gentleman, and of course adorable. You guys always went on dates on the black lake or hogesmade whenever you guys had the chance. Plus ever since you and Neville dated you finally understood in someways how girls obsessed over guys, though some girls took it to an extreme (*cough* lavender brown *cough*). That night you were walking into your common room after serving a detention in Professor Snape's class for standing up for Neville. You never understood why he picked on Neville so much but it defiantly bothered you. Any who once entered the common room you picked up your kitten as she mewed and took her upstairs with you to your bed. You plopped down on your bed petting your kitten when a little paper humming bird flew gracefully into you hands. You opened up the piece of paper.

Hey love, meet me down at the herbology class room at 8:00 sharp!

You looked at your watch to see that it was already 7:45 already.
"Oh my Godric! It's already 7:45  I need to hurry up" you rushed out the door running down all the stairs to get to the herbology class in time. You practically flew threw the door and stopped for a moment to catch your breath.The herbology room was decorated with fairy lights,beautiful flowers, and a little table for you and Neville.Neville was smiling at you, when you noticed he was wearing a tuxedo while you wearing a pair of jeans and an over sized Gryffindor hoody. Great how classy you thought to yourself.
"Neville I'm sorry I didn't know i was supposed to dress fancy...."
"I didn't want you to dress fancy I love you no matter what you wear." He started to blush instantly realizing he said the "L" word.
"Neville, I love you so much too!" You said starting to blush too.
"Well that's good to hear because other wise it might not be a good time to ask you a certain question. Will you please do me the honor of being my wonderful girlfriend?" His face grew very anxious to see what your reply would be.
"Neville is that even a serious question... Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" You said with the biggest smile ever.

He leaned in to kiss you and your kiss was so soft and passionate and everything was so perfect.

"I'm never letting you go" he whispered into your ear .

Okay that's sums up this chapter! Please comment on your suggestions and o please keep reading I don't know how many chapters I'm going to make but I at least want to do 80 or more so keep a look out for daily updates!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, Thank you for reading! Peace out! ✌️

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