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You woke up in the middle of the night feeling pain in your stomach. You couldn't sleep through it no matter how hard you tried. Then you realized.... your period of course that had to be it. You rushed to the bathroom clutching your stomach and low and behold.....blood.

Ughhhhhhhhhh you sighed to yourself. You quickly hurried to fix your problem. But the pain wouldn't go away. You laid back in bed slightly rubbing your stomach trying to put your self back to sleep.

Well you didn't get very much at all with all the aching, you were exhausted. Anyone who got in your way today was going to be in for it. Not only did you loose sleep but being on your period makes you irritated and very clumsy.

You literally rolled out of bed this morning. Friggin Umbridge always has you guys testing and that's the last thing you needed right now. You quickly did your morning routine and got dressed in your school uniform.

You made your way down down the corridors to get to the Great Hall for Breakfast. Pudding sounded really good right now and you'll be darned if they didn't have any. You sat besides Neville who was reading the Newspaper while eating a blueberry pancake.

He set his papers down to greet you "Good morning Sweetheart" he said as he kissed your forehead.

Instead you just groaned and layer your head on his shoulders. You wanted to tell Nev about your current situation just to prepare him, but he's probably just too innocent to really know anything about it.

"So not a Good morning so far I take it, hopefully it gets better" Neville said enthusiastically with a warm smile on his face.

For a minute you just stared at him and his charming smile. He always found simple ways to cheer you up even he didn't realize it.

"It'll get better if I can spend the afternoon with you after class?" You asked him with a hopeful smile.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world love" he said tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.

"Brilliant, now where could I get some pudding around here?" You asked laughing lightly as you grazed the table looking for pudding.

"Chocolate pudding is righttttttt here" Neville handed you a pudding cup with the spoon.

"Your the best Nev" you happily ate your pudding dressing the fact that you had to go take O.W.L's with stupid Umbridge.

So there you were in class practically going blind from all the pink this woman was wearing. You couldn't even focus on your work anymore the cramps just started up for round two and they were coming back all the more worse.

"Miss y/l/n! Get back to work immediately, there's no time for brakes" she snapped at you from her "throne" in front of the hall.

"Ma'am I'm not really feeling well may I be excused?" You asked politely. Maybe if you at least pretended to be niece she would let you go to the nurse and rest.

"Students are to raise their hands when speaking" she spit back.

You know what it's her fault she's so snappy, only right now you could care less.

"I need to go the hospital wing I'm not feeling well, do you not understand me?" You practically yelled at her. She looked at you with her beast eyes probably fuming that you were talking without raising your hand for Godric's sake.

"Detention after class Miss y/l/n"

"Son of a biscuit you mumbled to yourself.

As soon as class ended Umbridge pulled you aside for your stupid detention. She unlocked her office door and you followed behind her still clutching your stomach.

"Now, you will write lines for me until you finally learn your lesson." She pulled out one of her quills and set it aside a pics of parchment.

"And what is it you'd like me to write?" You asked through gritted teeth.

"I will not speak back to teachers"

You stared to write the sentence down quickly just wanting to get out of her dang office. Then you stared to feel a burn on your hand that you were writing with. You looked down at your hand and saw the sentence ingraining into your hand. Who does she think she is? You questioned your self. You got up from your chair and stormed out of the room not caring what she has to say.

Neville was probably already waiting for you back at the common room. Sure enough he was there sitting on a couch with a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hand. A smile slipped on to your face as you tapped his shoulder. He turned around a gave you a warm hug.

"For you m'lady" he said blushing as he handed you the flowers.

You reached out your hand to grab the flowers from him when he pulled your hand up examine it.

"What's this?" He has a concerned look in his face.

"W-Well I got into a bit of trouble with's not a big deal" you wanted to change the conversation already.

"Does it hurt? Are you okay?" He questioned.

Until you snapped....

"Neville I told you it's not that big of a deal. You know what I'm not really feeling well I'm going to head to bed." You started heading for the the girls dorm but he grabbed you hand and pulled you in for a hug. He gave you a sad look showing he was a little hurt.

"Neville I'm sorry I snapped I'm just frustrated and I'm in a lot of pain"

"If the scar burns let me take you to the hospital wing they might be able to heal it"

"That's sweet Neville but I'm not in pain because of a little scar......I'm in pain because I'm on my p-period." You squinted your eyes scared to look at his reaction.

"O-oh" he said looking down at the floor. "I-I'll be back." And with that Neville was gone.

Shoot. You knew you shouldn't have told him, most boys freak about those kinds of things. You stared at the fire and curled up in the corner of the couch tears welling up in your eyes. Gosh dang it why do hormones make you so emotional it's not that big of a deal.....isn't it?

Thirty minutes later your heard someone come through the portrait to the common room.

"Hermione?" You got up from the couch to see who it was.

"Y/n, sorry I panicked earlier it's not that you scared me off or anything I was just ashamed I didn't realize you were in pain. I didn't know what to do so I asked Hermione for some help I'm sorry I'm not well educated on that sort of thing I guess I'm kind of clueless. It's a natural thing it's okay. Besides I've got you a little survival kit....with Hermione's help of course." He rambled most of it, while looking at the floor with a slight blush on his face.

"Neville that's the sweetest thing you could have ever done" you couldn't help your eyes when they welled up with more tears but tears of happiness. Hormones.

"Please don't cry love" he said sipping the tears from your eyes.

"C'mon lets get you comfy cozy, nothing but the best for my girlfriend" he picked you up bridal style and you stared giggling as he laid you back on the couch.

He laid a fuzzy blanket over you and started pulling out some snacks. "It's just the is usual stuff you like. Chocolate bars, pudding,popcorn,chips and salsa,hot chocolate,goldfish, and of course your favorite movies..... but if you need anything else I'll get it in a heartbeat". He looked at you admiringly with a warm smile.

"Thanks Neville, what would I do without you" you placed a soft kiss on his warms lips. "Now please come cuddle with me" you said giggling.

I wish there were more boys like this....sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter I've been making out ideas in my head for future chapters and the ending and what not. Hope you guys enjoyed keep reading, leave votes and comments. And until next time my Potterheads!!!

Word count 1436

Almost forgot! I'd like to say thank you to all you wonderful readers of my book! More than 700 reads is wayyyyy more than I expected and I truly appreciate every single read!! Thank you guys so much!!!


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