Home Is Where The Heart Is

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You stayed with your parents for a month feeling slightly guilty that you weren't going to be with them just when you guys were a family again. But never the less they continued to tell you that it was okay, they would be okay. As long as you visited them weekly which you assured them that you would. After all being the only other witch in the family you had the responsibility of making your Dad his potion when the full moon came around.

Neville and you went together to look at the flat that you guys would be buying and you instantly knew it was the place for you too. Sure it was small with only two bedrooms, one bathroom,  a kitchen, and a living room but most apartments were small anyways. And as is was it would only be the two of you.

Neville and you had would make the payments for the apartment half and half although he tried to talk you into letting him pay for the whole thing but you settled on your answer, no. If you guys were doing this you were going to do it the right way.

Now you guys had a week to move in. You might have procrastinated a tiny bit as you waited to the last few days to pack your stuff from your room and then move it in.

You frantically pulled clothes out of your drawers shoving them into your suitcase panicking while your Father merely leaned on your door frame laughing at you.

You turned back to give him and evil look "I told you to start your packing early but did you listen? No." He shook his head with smile still laughing at you.

"I'm your child you know. But then again who am I kidding you were a prefect and most likely a star student, I'll blame Mum!" You shouted over your shoulder still stuffing you clothes in.

You went into your bathroom taking your toothbrush and you other essential bathroom stuff like shampoo, your brush, conditioner, and some painkillers. If you forget anything else you would have to buy it later since Neville and you were going to have to make a trip to the store to pick up food and other items.

Your Mum then came in the room to help organize your belongings. You smiled gratefully "Thank you Mum."

"Not a problem Y/n, I packed some other things in there anyways you need to remember to be safe." She said making you blush. "Though, I wouldn't mind grandchildren."

Your Dad heard this and he stiffened "They're not even out of school yet!" He mumbled loud enough for you both to hear.

"Whatever Mum..." you muttered but slightly smiling. "I'm going to go drop this stuff off, Dad we still have floo powder?" You asked earning a nod.

You took your suitcase downstairs and walked over to the fireplace taking the bottle of floo powder from the mantel you stepped inside the fireplace, pouring some of the powers into your hand. You set it aside and whispered the destination you wanted to arrive at.

When you opened your eyes looking around to see the empty apartment, looking quite plain with no sign of decorations, furniture, or color. You walked into the bigger bedroom that you and Neville were going to share and you went into the closet setting you suitcase aside for now.

You heard the sound of a cracklings fire go off and you rushed back to the fireplace. You wrapped your arms around the persons neck, dong so your feet were barely on the ground.

Neville held on to your waist as he picked you up and twirled you around the empty apartment making you giggle. He put you on your feet pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Y/n I've missed you so much!" He muttered as he began to shower you with kisses.

"It's only been a week Longbottom!" You restores back still hugging him close.

"And it was a long week at that" he finally pulled his arms away and looked around the building. "We sure have a lot of work to do. Which reminds the delivery guy will be bringing most of our furniture soon."

He went back to the fireplace picking up his suitcase and potted plant. He went into the bedroom setting his suitcase next to yours in the closet and then went over to the little island on the kitchen setting the plant down.

Sure enough there was a nock on the door. Neville creaked it open and then swung it wide open to let the deliver guys in. Neville quickly went to help them carry in all of our furniture from our couch, to a couple of reading chairs, the queen bed, a guest twin bed, a dresser, and some stools for the island.

"Thanks guys." Neville said handing them a tip before they walked out the door.

He closed the door and smiled. "We got some arranging to do."

You guys started to take off the plastic wrappers that had been covering the furniture to keep dust off them. After that you began arranging the apartment so everything would be in its rightful place.

It certainly did look more like a home now. You had your hands on your hips smiling feeling proud. "We've got some of it done, but now we need the basics."

Neville wrapped his arms around your waist resting his chin on your head letting out a huff. "So where do we go for all this stuff anyways?"

"Why don't we just go and I'll show you?" You said with a smirk grabbing the keys and your bag you guys locked up.

You drove to one of your favorite muggle stores knowing it would have everything you needed from groceries to household items.You parked the car in a spot you found by the front and you guys proceeded to go inside.

"Target? What kind of name is that?" He asked chuckling.

"Oh shush, just hurry up and take my hand Longbottom!" You replied and he quickly grabbed your hand intertwining your fingers.

"Were definitely going to need a cart." You whispered to yourself, walking over to get a cart.

"Should we start off with groceries then?" You asked Neville who was walking beside you as you steered the cart over to the produce section.

"Whatever you say Love."

After going through the food section at Target let's just say the cart was already half way full. What could you say, you loved your food.

You made your way around the store now getting some of the home items you were going to need comforters, cooking pans and utensils. It wasn't till you walked by the electronics.

"Oh my Godric! Is this what I think it is?" He asked with excitement in his voice. He was holding a DVD player and you just smiled from looking at his goofy reaction.

"Depends what do you think is?" You teased.

"Is it sorta like that thing we use to watch those movies?" We were now getting a strange look from an older lady who just raised her eyebrow at Neville's word.

"Sure is!"

"Can we please?" He begged giving you puppy dog eyes.

"How could I say no to you."

~~Time Skip~~

Upon returning home you guys were moving back and forth between rooms putting everything in its rightful place. It was finally complete the fridge and cabinets were stocked,  the rooms were made and the Tv and DVD player were set up.

Viewing the apartment once it was all done it really did feel l more like a home, Neville and your home to exact.

You flopped on the your new bed feeling rather tired and Neville decided to take it upon himself by laying down with you. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

"Home at last." You whispered silently as your eyes began to grow heavy.

"I was right at Home as soon as I met you." He whispered back only you were fast asleep.

Yay! Two updates in one day! Please feel free to comment on how you guys liked the chapter or if you have any chapter ideas I'll be glad to try them. Don't forget to vote and keep on reading!                            -Tara

Word count 1405

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