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After Christmas break you and Neville returned to Hogwarts. School started again and the teachers began giving out loads of homework as usual. There was still a thick of layer of snow covering the whole campus.

One of your big assignments was to study a Hippogriff up close for a week. And although the project wasn't due for a couple of weeks you wanted to get it done before you end up procrastinating.

So after you classes for the day you headed down to Hagrid's. If there was anyone who would know how to find a Hippogriff it would be him.

You knocked a few times on his door and the friendly giant greeted you "Hi Hagrid. I didn't mean to interrupt but I was wondering if you could tell me how exactly did you come across Buck beak?"

"We'll 'wasn like I was 'looking for im, he 'ound me." He said scratching his beard.

"Okay Hagrid Thanks." It wasn't the most helpful pice of information but in your third year he told the class he came across Buck Beak in the forbidden Forrest, so that was a start.

So you went further in to the Forrest. You should have done your research first but you were already here. As you sat down on a log to take in the Forrest life you heard soft whimpering, you looked around and a little while away you saw a hurt creature of some sort.

You rushed to it's aid only to see a baby thestral hurt very badly. It most have been attacked by something or maybe even someone but that was the least of your worries you had to get the proper equipment to help the poor thing.

You quickly took off your jacket to wrap the thestral, and hopefully stop some of the bleeding. You literally jogged your way back to the castle not caring how crazy you looked with a animal bouncing up an down in your arms.

You went into the hospital wing and walking right past Madam Pomfrey ignoring her completely. You pulled out a little bottle from one of the drawers and took the dropper out. You gently placed the thestral on the bed unwrapping your jacket. You tensed up seeing all the blood but you filled the dropper and sprinkled some drops on the wound.

The thestral winced in pain and you tried to comfort it petting its head softly. You reached back into the drawer grabbing a bandage and placed it on the wound.

Madame Pomfrey looked over shoulder seeing the baby Thestral and for once didn't hassle you. She picked up your bow bloody sweater and instead used one of the bedsheets to wrap it in. It fell quickly asleep and you knew once it woke up it was going to be hungry so you went to the kitchens to get some food for the it.

"Hey Sweetheart I've missed you!" Neville Swiss as he now accompanied you kissing you on the forehead.

"We has a class with each other like two hours ago Neville." You say teasingly.

"I know and I've missed you sooooooo much since then." He then started to shower you in kisses making you giggle. It's funny how open Neville is now to Public Affection but it doesn't seem h cares anymore.

"Hey, what do have there?" He then looks at the little thestral you have cradled in your arms.

"I found the poor little thing when I was in the forbidden forest and she was hurt so I rushed to the hospital wing so I could help her. I can't stand it when animals are hurt, it brakes my heart." You said looking down at her petting her head gently as she slept. "I was on my way to get her some food for when she wakes up."

"Godric, I love you." He said putting an arm around your waist holding you close.

"I love you too." You said back smiling.

"Can I hold her?"

"Sure!" You nod putting her into Neville arms.

He gently holds her and smiles.

"When are we going to have kids?" The words slip out of his mouth I don't even think he know what he just said.

He then stops and turns a shade of red. "I mean obviously not right now.....or anything. That is if you even want kids.... with me....?"

"Neville your such a dork. And I love that about you so much. Now let's keep heading to the kitchens." You reply with a goofy smile plastered on your face.

You can't help it. Whenever your around him that smile never seems to go away.

Okay! A bit of a short chapter so I'm sorry on that. And to explain how they saw the thestral, didn't they technically see Serious die? I could be wrong but that's the reason behind that at least for my chapter. Anywho thank you for reading don't forget to vote and comment suggestions!! Til the next chapter!

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