Its too much to handle

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"W-What do you mean he's my father? Dad- Dad died years ago!"

What is she talking about!? Your Dad died years ago, and now she's telling you he's your father!?? Your mind was spinning out of of control and you felt like you could get sick any moment.

"Mr. Lupin is your real father Y/n..." she spoke softly wiping  the tears away from her eyes.

You quickly glanced over at Remus. He stared back at you going towards you reaching for your hand "It's true, I'm your biological Father." He said finally grabbing your hand but you backed away from them.

You were feeling so many emotions right now but you were channeling them deep inside. At any moment it would become too much and all the emotions you bottled were going to explode soon.

"I- I need a better explanation!!" You shouted tears starting to form in your eyes.

Your Mother sat down on the couch "Well when growing up as a kid your so called "Father" was my neighbor growing up. We became really good friends over time to such a point he told me about Hogwarts and him being a wizard. Eventually when we got older and he introduced me to Remus, one of his friends. After  they graduated at Hogwarts we spent a lot of time together as friends. Soon enough  your "Father" grew busy with his two jobs and me and Remus spent more alone time together and over time we grew feelings for each other. One thing lead to another and eventually I got pregnant with you. But Remus he became unstable, his "condition" was getting worse with every full moon and when you were born he wasn't fit to be your Father. I went to your "Father" panicking on how I was going to raise you all alone. That's when he stepped in and said he would be your Dad. That he would look after us and we would treat you like his very own daughter. Next thing you know he confessed he always had feelings for me and he proposed to me. I was lucky that I had him. But when he died our whole family was falling apart. Your "Father" was dead, you real Dad was not involved in your life at all, and I've been lying to you my whole life...." she started to cry historically again.

You stood there speechless. This is all too much! It's all too much for you to handle!! You need to get away, just for a little bit get your mind strait! You darted up towards your room and pulled a suitcase from under your bed and started packing some clothes and your other belongings in there. Where would you go? With Hermione? You didn't even get a chance to ask her where she lives!! could go to Neville's... his Grams hates you,but where else could you go!! All your family lives out state. You zipped up your suitcase and made your way down the stairs. They both waited there at the bottom for you.

Before they could say anything you interrupted "P-please Mum I just-I just need some time to think. Please let me go!" Tears now coming down your face in streams.

Your Mother didn't say anything she just nodded her head. Remus or should you say Dad, hugged your mother trying to sooth her. You grabbed the keys off the counter.  You were going to have to drive.

"Be Safe"was all you heard when you shut the door to your house. You wiped your tears with your sleeve and got in the car along with your suitcase. Thank goodness you guys have two cars, Mum  was teaching you to drive too...but you didn't have a license. Oh well. Walking wasn't an option....jeez what was Neville going to think when he saw you like this. You stared the engine and made your way to Neville's house it was at least 2 or 3 hours away depending on traffic and how well you remember how to get there. What was his Grams going to think,  she probably won't even let you stay. But you had to try.

After a few hours of driving you found Neville's street and pulled into his drive way. You got out of the car and pulled your luggage out. Tears still fresh in your eyes you knocked on the door shutting them tight like you were preparing yourself to be hit in the face.

A groggy Neville with bed head, and only his boxers on opened the door still rubbing his eyes.

"It's bloody 2:00 in the morning what do you-" his eyes traveled down towards you and he stopped talking immediately.

He saw your dried tears on your face and he instantly pulled you into the house with one swift move, right into his arms. You couldn't help but cry into his shoulder as he held on to you. He didn't even ask any questions knowing it would overwhelm you even more.

"I'm sorry I came without asking, I had no where else to go. I shouldn't have come....I'm sorry" you spoke tears muffling most of your words.

"Shhh don't worry it's going to be okay. I'm glad you came to me.  C'mon let's get you to bed." He walked you up his stairs and seated you on his bed.

He laid you down and got in the bed with you. Tears were still in your eyes and he he wiped them away with his thumb caressing your face with his gentle hands. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. And with his other arm he intertwined his hand in yours. You laid on his chest listening to his heart beat finding it soothing but no matter how much you tried you couldn't go to sleep with all the things on your mind.

Welp that just happened and it's only just begun. I'm sorry if your Mums explanation was confusing or didn't make sense.Thanks for reading this chapter! Vote, comment, and leave suggestions please! And for those who guessed it was Lupin you guessed right! I just wanted to mess with you guys that's all lol! Until the next chapter! -Tara

Word count 1055

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