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The after party for my Mums wedding was just beginning since everyone finished eating. Your Mum and Dad started to dance and everyone started to join in.

"May I have this dance M'lady?" Neville asked reaching for you hand.

You smiled up at him "You May."

You two joined the dance floor and you rested your head on Neville's shoulder while watching your parents dance. Someone then tugged on your dress.

You two looked down to see Charlotte with a big toothy grin in her little flower girl dress "Can I cut it?" She asked giggling.

A smile spread across your face and you looked at Neville who gave you a smirk raising one of his eyebrows. You bent down to be level with her "He's all yours!" You said cheerfully.

Neville picked up Charlotte chucking and set her on his feet. He held onto her hands and started to dance causing her to laugh. You watched them being goofballs and smiled to yourself when someone tapped you shoulder.

You tuned around to see your Dad holding out his hand for you to take. You took it and held on to your Dads shoulder. He smiled at you and tucked a pice of your hair behind your ear whispering "How could I have missed so much of your life."

"It wasn't your fault, besides we all have each other now." You said reassuringly.

He stopped moving "Go on go back to your boyfriend. You should probably get back to the house now me and your mother will be leaving pretty soon for the honeymoon. Here's the keys, and behave!"

"We will Dad. Love you!" You said sheepishly taking the keys.

You went over to Neville who was now drinking some water. "Ready to go Nev?"

"Sure Love."

You drove back to your house and it felt weird to have the house all by yourself, with Neville of course. You changed into some sweats and one of Neville's over sized (for you) Gryffindor shirts.

You jumped on the couch next to Neville "So much better!" You said snuggling into his chest smelling his familiar scent of mint.

"Hey it's 12:00, meaning it's Christmas love!" He got up and went to the living room and then came back with a wrapped box. "Here you are Y/n...I'm so sorry about the wrapping I tried." He said sheepishly scratching the back.

You examined the box and giggle. True the wrapping was a little well "ruffled" but it was adorable that he tried on his own. You tore off the wrapping paper and opens the box. Your face lights up as you pull out a book you've been wanting for ages on Health Care for Magical Creatures.

"I've been wanting this book for ages!! Thank you Neville!" You say happily jumping into his arms he kisses you sweetly on the nose.

"There's more." He says smiling at you. Watching you be so happy about gifts like a little five year old makes his heart melt.

You continue to reach in the box and you pull out a little gold box. You open it to find to gorgeous pair of earrings, and that's coming from someone who doesn't really care for jewelry. They not to fancy but just perfect. They're little gold vines that have several leafs on them.

You make sure to put the book and earrings back into the box until you put them away later when you notice there's still something left. You pull a pair of black pjs that have little polar bears on them, wearing Gryffindor colored scarfs and hats.

Neville sees you pull them out and instantly puts a hand in front of his face embarrassed, blush creeping on his face.

"These are adorable!" You say while giggling.

"I told Grams that we weren't going to get you those....after she got me the same ones."

"That's even better!! We can be matching!!" You laugh sitting in his lap. You cup his cheeks and pull him in for a passionate kiss.

"Wait I've got to go get your present!" You rush up the stairs to get his present.

You sit in front of him and place a box neatly wrapped with a bow, but the box has several holes in it.

He curiously raises one of his eyebrows and unties the bow allowing the box to become undone. A small toad croaks and Neville's face becomes expressionless.

Worry takes over "I know this lil toad could never replace Trevor, since you got him from your uncle when you got your letter to Hogwarts. But I just thought well I don't know...."

He wraps his arms around you giving you almost a bone crushing hug "It's perfect Love, absolutely perfect! Now I fell like I got you nothing...."

"Well in the end it isn't about gifts is it? I love you Neville!"

"And I love you too!"

"By the way-"Neville begins.

"No I didn't have the toad in that box that whole time."

"Yep, okay just checking!"

Okay that sums up this chapter, I hoe you enjoyed it. Also sorry I know it's not Christmas yet but I was running out of ideas. So please feel free to give me some ideas I would love to use them! Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks again for reading!!


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