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"Hey sleepy head, you've got to get up Y/n." Said a groggy voice.

"I don't want to" you replied.

A pair of lips started to kiss your neck and you groaned.

"Neville I don't want to get out of bed yet, please just a few more minutes." You said nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"I'm not going to stop till you get up" he said between kisses that he was planting on your neck.

"Who said I wanted you to stop." You said giggling.

"Oh, so then maybe I will stop..." he said teasingly.

"Fine I'm up you big tease!" You muttered.

You pulled the covers of you two and you felt the cold air hit your skin. You were wearing Neville's Gryffindor shirt that he usually wear for quidditch games. While he on the other hand was wearing his boxers.

At this point all the boys in the common room knew you occasionally came up to their dorm so you could cuddle up next to him to sleep. But it seemed everyone had left for breakfast.

You sluggishly got out of bed "I'm going to go get my clothes and change in the girls dorm, meet you back in the common room?" 

"Mhmm" Neville hummed kissing you on the forehead.

You quickly got to girls dorm and changed and as you were brushing your hair out you noticed a bruise on your neck. Your eyes grew wide. That's no bruise, but a hickey.

You let your hair fall over your shoulder trying to hide it the best you could. You rushed down to the common room where Neville was already waiting.

There were other people in the common room so I'm a hushed tone you yelled at Neville "You gave me a hickey!"

He simply looked at you with an innocent face "You said yourself you didn't want me to stop. I bet no one would notice, c'mon I'm hungry."

He grabbed your hand pulling you out of the common room and you followed behind him.

You sat down at the Gryffindor table as usual right across from Hermione who seemed to be giving you a toothy grin.

"Oh hello there....hickey." She said laughing.

"Is it that noticeable!" You yelled a little too loud.

"Maybe a little..."

You smacked Neville on the shoulder "Again you told me not to stop." He said now chuckling.

"Whatever..." You mumbled before stuffing your face with French toast.

After finishing  your wonderful breakfast Neville suggested walking around Hogsmeade for something to do.

"Hermione, I don't want to leave you all alone..." you said.

It was only natural to be concerned for her, you knew she didn't want to be a third wheel but that didn't stop you from feeling bad for leaving her.

"Y/n I'll be fine I'm going with Harry to Hogsmeade later today so maybe I'll see you then!" She said shooing you off.  "Bye!"

You held Neville's hand as you two walked to the Three Broomsticks to grab a warm butter beer. Other students seemed to have the same idea as they were groups of kids walking the same direction.

Neville suddenly swooped you up so he was carrying you "You can't be mad at me forever love!"

"Me mad? No no not at all." You replied.

He then proceeded to lift you onto his shoulders and by this point you were getting several stares. You wrapped your arms around his neck, not too tight of course and he held onto your legs to make sure you didn't slip off.

"Okay were here Y/n." He said lifting you off his shoulders.

You walked into the Three Broomsticks and the warmth coming from the fireplace made you feel toasty.

"I'll order the drinks why don't you go and get the table?" You asked Neville.

"Gotcha!" He said scurrying off to find a table.

You waited in line as it was quite busy today and you finally got to order your two drinks, course you still had to wait for them. Someone then handed you your drinks as you payed and quickly left to find Neville.

He was sitting at a little booth waving at your frantically making you laugh. You set the two butter beers down on the table and scooted next to him.

You took your first sip and it was hot an delicious as always.

"You've got a little something right there..." Neville said taking his thumb and wiping off the foam from your lip.


You two had a peaceful conversation, but something was off it felt like you were being watched. You looked around and right across from you guys were a group of girls who seemed to be making google eyes at Neville.

You tightened your grip on your mug and Neville followed your gaze to the group of girls.

"They're totally checking you out." You said.

"I doubt it.." Neville replied.

"Then why is one of them coming over...?" You whispered starting to take a drink.

In fact one of the girls was making her way over to us she placed her hand on the table and leaned close to Neville.

"Hey, couldn't help but notice that your really cute. Maybe we could go-"

Neville cut her off "I'm sorry but I'm not interested I have a girlfriend." He said placing his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer.

She gave you a snobby look and stormed off back to her table with her group.

You stayed quiet for a bit when he broke the silence "Jealous?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at you with a smirk.

"Maybe a little..." you muttered.

"You know there's no need to be." He said.

"I know." You smiled up at him and then gave him a heartwarming kiss.

He pulled away and started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Hermione was right you can clearly see it!" He said still laughing.


The next chapter is going to be skipped towards the end of the actual plot of HP because I have a few things planned but they're a bit further in the story. You guys are going to hate me for awhile 😂. Anywho I hope you enjoyed this chapter thanks for reading! Please comment and vote! Till the next chapter!

Loving Neville Longbottom Where stories live. Discover now