Quidditch Tryouts

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5:30 am time to get up! You literally hit your alarm clock off your dresser when it went off. Nothing stands between you and your sleep except for this year they decided to have quidditch tryouts super early just to see who put effort on getting up early. You were going to tryout for seeker your Gryffindor team. Quiet honestly you never played quidditch before, but why not try something new. You got dressed and headed down to the field where they held quidditch games. Oliver, George,Fred,Harry, and their fellow team mates were already on the field with brooms and what not on the filled. Some other people were also there to tryout.

"So, we all you guys know the basics of the game,let's just get strait to the point and see if you can play and what position you are good at"  Oliver said as he started to hand out broomsticks.

After 30 minutes of trying each positions Oliver started to sort people on which position you would play. After awhile people came to watch tryouts and Neville mad his his way to the seats. He waved at you with his kind smile and you could feel your boost of confidence go up. Oliver placed you as a seeker as you had hoped and now you guys were going to run a mini game. You defiantly tried your best and Neville cheered for you the whole time. Thought the results of who got on the team wouldn't be until tomorrow, so in the meanwhile all you could do was hope for the best. Practice was finally over so you made your way to Neville.

(Commence Accent!!!😅)
"Your name you were brilliant out there you'll get on the team for sure!" Neville said as he gave you a hug.

"Thanks Neville, I sure hope so"

"C'mon let's go The Three Broomsticks I'm sure you didn't even have time to eat this morning"

"That would be amazing it's enough to go without extra hours of sleep but it just crosses the line when I haven't eaten any food" you said started to laugh.

Let's just say after a big meal you were stuffed and it would be a safe bet to assume you gained five pounds.Neville practically had to carry you back to the castle. Once you did get back you had the rest of the day to relax with Neville.

"Hey Neville lets  watch a movie!" You beamed with excitement.

"What's a movie....?" He asked with a puzzled yet curious look on his face.

"Well Mum says it's something you can watch for entertainment...though we do use some sort of contraption to play them......I'll figure it out somehow"

About an hour later you finally found a way to enchant a movie disk so it could play on its own without that contraption. You guys decided to watch a cheesy romance movie called  The Notebook (one of you Mum's favorites) but half way through the movie an owl flew into the common room and dropped a letter on your head. You pulled out the letter and read it.

"Neville I got on the team as a seeker!!!!" You started to jump on the couch probably damaging them forever.

"Yes! I knew you could do it Love!( you new nickname btw). He threw your arms around you and gave you a peck on the lips. 

You guys totally forgot about the movie but in that little moment you had your own little happy ending for the day.

Guys I'm soooo sorry I didn't update yesterday I wasn't and still aren't feeling to well. So again I'm sorry this Chapters is lacking details but still feel free to give me ideas or opinions . Thank you guys for reading byeeeee!


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