The Truth

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For the past two weeks Hermione has been waking you up with bad news. The break up was crushing you, not only did you miss Neville but the whole thing with Draco was still a blur. So when Hermione woke you up this morning you had a feeling she brought more bad news.

"Your name!! Wake up! I know what happened!! I've figured it out!! BLOODY HELL WAKE UP!"  Hermione was practically jumping on your bead just to wake you up.

When you finally understood what she was trying to say you jumped out of bed.

"W-what happened?! Did I do it? Did D-Draco?!"
You were hopeful that Draco had done something, because if you had done it yourself you would've torn yourself apart.

"Okay well thanks to my trusty time tuner I went back in time to do some investigating. That no good Draco friggin put a love potion in your water!! How did he know which drink you were going to pick, I have no clue but it worked that's for sure!" Hermione said excitedly with a smile on her face.

"R-really!? T-that's brilliant! B-but how do we convince Neville!?" You walked over to your dresser pulling out some jeans and a causal shirt.

"Well I guess you could try telling him.... though I dunno if he will believe we'll just have to come up with a back up plan latter"

You and Hermione searched all over the castle looking for Neville. Even though you checked the black lake, and the greenhouse you couldn't find him. Class after class, hall after hall he was now where to be found. Finally you came across the astronomy tower and low and behold he was there.

You walked in, Hermione waiting outside standing next to Neville. He was staring out into the stars with a soft small smile on his face. He looked a lot better than you did, he looked like he was handing the situation a lot better.

"N-Neville can I have a word with you for a moment" you placed a hand on his shoulder length into him know of your appearance.

He looked a bit alarmed to see you and you couldn't blame him, you haven't talked for weeks.

(Here comes the accent)

"What do you want"

He said it in such a cold voice, it hurt. You've never seen Neville be so distant or so cold towards anyone and knowing it was towards you made you feel worse.

"L-look Neville I know you saw me physically kissing  Draco, b-but it wasn't me I swear, Draco had slipped me a love potion you see and well I'm so sorry"

"You expect me to believe that... I was there I saw what I saw"

"Please Neville you've got to believe me I-"

Hannah Abbot walked into the tower.

"Neville I'm sorry I'm late for our date.....what's she doing here?"

Brilliant. Just friggin brilliant he's already seeing someone which means he has to be moving on, already. You didn't think you were that easily replaced but apparently you are.

"Oh she was just leaving" he pulled Hannah in for a quick kiss and he knew what he was doing to you.

"R-right I'll be on my way" tears pricked in your eyes as you headed down the tower.

Hermione quickly followed behind you. As soon as she saw Hannah walk in the tower she knew what was going to happen. 

What was the point of trying to convince Neville now,he had a girlfriend already. Besides it's not like you were going to be able to convince him in the first place. You guess you weren't as important to him as you thought. But you can't help it you still love him, but you'll have to get over him. With the things going the way they are there's no reason to be hung on him. Maybe you just need to move on, if that was possible. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter guys. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, so please vote and comment! Thank you guys for reading! Until next chapter! -Tara

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