Father's Day

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You woke up sprawled out on the bed and you didn't feel Neville's arms wrapped around you. You jumped out of bed so quickly that you nearly fell since your fuzzy sucks made the hardware floor slippery. You rushed to the living room and found Neville wearing your mint green frilly apron as he was cooking.

You stopped dead in your tracks taking in the adorable sight, he fashioned a smile as he started flipping pancakes with flour on his cheek. He then turned to the island and noticed you.

"Good morning gorgeous! " He said pulling you in for a hug and then kissing you on the nose.

"Good morning Neville! It's funny for some reason I woke up thinking you were gone." You said as you set plates and napkins on the island for breakfast.

"Oh? And leave you all alone? Never." He said giving you a reassuring smile but it quickly turned into a pout as he watched you make the island.

When you went to go get the forks you looked at him seeing him pout, only making him look more adorable.

"What's the matter Nev?" You asked placing you arms around his neck.

"I was going to make you breakfast in bed...." He whined.

"Well what's stoping us? We can have breakfast in bed together!" You beamed trying to cheer him up.

"You're right, the foods almost done. So why don't you set up the trays on the bed?" He asked.

"Gotcha!" You replied as you went to the get the trays for breakfast.

After a wonderful breakfast in bed with good food, comfortable pajamas, and your dork of a boyfriend you felt full and happy. But after all it was Father's Day and you planned to spend it with your your Dad even if he insisted you didn't need to come over.

Neville has also planned to visit his Dad at Saint Mungo's so the both of you were going to have busy days and probably not see each other till tomorrow. So you two got dressed ready to leave for the door you stepped out of the apartment and locked the door.

"I think I'm going to spend the night with my parents tonight Neville, so I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked as you brought your hand up to wipe his cheek that still had flour in it.

"Yea tomorrow for sure , I'm going to spend the night at Grams after I'm done visiting my parents. I'll see you then love" he said kissing you on the lips before pulling away a little too soon for your liking giving you a devilish smirk as he apparated away.

"You may be a dork, but you can be such a tease" you mumbled to your self before you too apparated your parents house.

You clutched your bag to keep it from falling off your shoulder. You looked around your other Home and it was very quite a little too quite.

"Mom? Dad?" You called out to the empty house.

"Over here in the kitchen!" You Dad spoke quietly.

You walked over to find him 'trying'  to make himself lunch and from the ingredients he had on the counter he was trying to make pasta.

"I thought you were good at cooking  Dad?" You questioned as you peered over his shoulder.

"I am when your mother is here to help me." He grumbled with a grin.

You washed your hands and started to help him boil the pasta and put the sauce in a pot so you could heat it up.

The food was done and you guys ate quietly with one another.

"Mom working today?" You asked as you collected the dirty plates.

"Yup!" He replied rising out form his seat to help you put the dishes in the sink.

"Oh yea! I brought you some chocolates for Father's Day! I'll go get them." You said as you went to go find your bag that was currently carrying your Dad's chocolates.

You bought him all kinds of different chocolates you could find at HoneyDukes, but mainly chocolate frogs.

"Wonderful! I just ran out of my supply too!" He said with a wide grin on his face as he accepted the candy like he was a little five year old getting candy for the first time. "Thank you!"

He proceeded to unwrap one of the chocolates and popped it into his mouth.

"You know I feel so guilty for not being in your life all these years.." he mumbled. "The year I taught at Hogwarts, you don't know how many times I wanted to tell you or just give you special treatment because I knew you were my daughter. But I was ashamed, ashamed that I kept something from you, ashamed that all because off my problem I wasn't there for you. I didn't get to see the first time you walked or hear your first word, none of it. Its all my fault." He admitted with sorrow.

You placed your hand on his shoulder giving him a warming smile "It's okay Dad, you might have missed some big moments in my life and that's okay really. While you might have missed those moments you were trying to overcome the part of you that you see as a monster, and the way I see it you aren't a monster at all. You are more like a hero who had to face his fear every month, of every year. Besides we're a family now aren't we? So let's make it count!"

It almost seemed like he was going to cry as tears brimmed his eyes, you could tell he was trying his best to hold them back. You pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I love you Dad."

"I love you too."

The two of you smiled as you pulled away from your hug. You didn't want to ruin the moment but you had to start preparing his potion.

"Now, let me get started on your potion Dad." You started to fumble around with the things he already had laid out on the living room coffee table.

You sat down on the ground as you started to brew the potion and he followed you actions sitting right next to you on the ground.

"Don't tell your mother I'm telling you this, I'm not supposed to tell you yet and she would probably yell at me if she knew I was going to tell you this. But I can't wait any longer....."

Haha. Cliffhanger. Sorry guys I know it's really late but I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or anything you celebrate! And also Happy New Year!! Again sorry I'm late, that's completely my fault. But any who I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next one! -Tara

Word Count 1140

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