Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledoor

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You woke up panicked from having a nightmare. Yours eyes fluttered open and you brought your hand up to rub the bridge of your nose. You laid there trying to remember what the bloody nightmare was about, you couldn't be certain but it seemed like you kept on having the same one over and over. But how could you possibly tell if you couldn't remember? But whatever this dream was about it was giving you a bad feeling.

Your thoughts disappeared when you saw Neville's arm still wrapped around your waist causing a smile to spread along your face. He was still sound asleep with messy hair and you could hear him snoring lightly.

You tried carefully prying his arm from your waist but as soon as you managed to think that you had gotten out of his reach he pulled you back into his chest with both his arms.

You didn't have to face him to realize that he was smiling. "Where do you think your going?" He asked groggily almost like a whisper right in your ear making you shudder.

"I was going to get up an get dressed." You replied.

Although the warmth radiating off his body making you feel warm and fuzzy made you reconsider. You could simply stay in bed with Neville all day, so you two could cuddle.

"Hmm, it's already time to get up is it? Alright." He loosened his arms around you allowing you to get up.

He quickly shuffled over to your side grabbing you hands and bring them up to his lips pressing a kiss to them. "You look gorgeous as always." He said giving you a genuine smile. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you were sure blush creeped up to them. He never seemed to lose the ability to make you blush, never. Even if you did look like a hot mess with you hair all over the place being extremely frizzy, and the sleep still probably visible in your eyes.

You perched up on your tippy-toes kissing his cheek. You gave him a goofy smile and mirrored it right back. You went over to your chest pulling out your school uniform and Neville probably went to go do the same as he was no longer in the girls dorm.

After putting on your clothes your adjusted you hair to be in messy bun and you quickly pulled out your wand to cast a charm to make it stay in place. You walked down to the set of stairs when a random question popped into your head. How has Neville always managed to get up to the girls dorm? Whenever boys were supposedly coming up the stairs, they changed into a slide.

Focused on the random thought you bit your bottom lip, not realizing your were already in the common room. You bumped right into someone.

"Bloody hell." Someone mumbled.

Funny you were going to say the same thing.

The person reached his arm out to you offering his hand and you gladly took it. You dusted you skirt off "Sorry I'm a bit clumsy today." You said finally looking up at the Weasley.

"It's okay..." he trailed off. He noticed the expression on your face change dramatically with anger. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and become uneasy.

"Ronald." You said shortly.

"What's got you in the common room still? Shouldn't you be stuffing your face with breakfast by now?" You asked.

"Well actually I was looking for you..." he trailed off once more trying to avoid my eye contact.

He failed. I locked eyes with him "Oh really? What do you want then? You demanded crossing your arms as you tried to be intimidating to the much taller boy.

"Well I need your advice. Desperately."

"Go on"

"It's Hermione-" he started before I abruptly cut him off.

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