Ill fight for you

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You were eager to get out of this Bloody potions class already. You and Neville have a date night tonight, sure it's casual but he always make them interesting no matter where you are. Besides Professor Snape was going on and on and at this point you would fall asleep. Finally the class was over and you nearly jumped out of your chair and sprung to your meeting spot. You sat by the lonely tree along the Black Lake and waited for Neville. Although he is forgetful he usually didn't forget your date nights which was odd since he was already thirty minutes late. You started walking back to the castle thinking he might have forgotten after all.

"Neville where are you..." you whispered to yourself.

As you started walking past the Whomping Willow you noticed Draco and his goons kneeling. Being curious you walked closer quietly. You heart dropped when they started to kick someone.

"Bloody hell Malfoy stop-"

You only noticed it was Neville until now he was so beaten up you hadn't even recognized him.

"I see you finally figured out who our victim is, he just looked too happy as he walked out of the castle, at least he can finally be in the hospital with his parents forever" Malfoy spat before he was about to kick Neville again.

"You have no write to be talking about other people like that!  Get away from him!" Anger was boiling through you building up.

"What are you go to do about it Mudblood!" He kicked Neville again this time causing him to blackout.

That's it! You thought to yourself. You punched Draco right in the face with tears in your eyes. You have to admit you over did it a little since you did get more than one punch in.

Draco and his friends were running away like mad now but  Neville was unconscious. You rushed him to the hospital as fast as you could knowing Madam Pomfrey could heal him. But it didn't mean you weren't worried sick about him. You slept at the hospital wing even though Madam Pomfery already tried kicking you out. You held his his hand still tears in your eyes until you fell asleep beside him until he awoke hearing your sniffles.

"Your name, w-why are you crying love?" He squinted his eyes realizing how much pain he was in.

"Neville your alright! I was so worried about you!" You hugged him and you couldn't help the tears from rolling down your cheeks.

"It's alright I'm fine...don't worry about me so much.." he wiped your tears away

"Neville I just can't stop worrying about you.....I love you" you gave him a little smile.

"So how bout that date?" He had a toothy grin plastered on his face.

"Really Neville, you want to have are date in the hospital wing... we don't even have anything prepared here..."

"It doesn't matter all I need is you"

Okay well I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days but I promise I'll get better at updating frequently! Anywho please leave me your suggestions or comments I'll always listen! And THANK YOU ALL FOR 136 reads!! I know it doesn't seem like much but it's way more reads than I thought I was going to get so thank you sooo much. Hope you guys had a good weekend!Peace out ✌️ !


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