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Back to your POV.

You woke up startled. Where were you? This isn't your bed, this isn't your room. You sit up and observe the room, ohhh that's right your at Neville's house. Jeez pull it together you think to yourself. A small smile appears on your face as you realize Neville has a very well organized room for a boy. Speaking of your charming Neville where is he? You pull the covers off of you and walk towards your suitcase to pull out some clean clothes. After getting dressed you think of the possibilities that are to come if you walk down stairs.

Maybe I should just pretend like I'm not here you thought to yourself. Then came the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes. Darn Neville's for being such a good cook, the smell was overwhelming and you just couldn't help yourself.

You slowly walk down the stairs and instantly regret walking down when you make a loud creek. You can hear his Grams voice already questioning him.

"Neville who else is in the house?!"

You walk into the kitchen rather frightened. "I-I am Mrs.Longbottom" you manage to squeak.

Both Neville and his Grandmother look over at you, the only difference is Neville looks scared and she looks shocked.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask to come over I just-"

She cuts you off " Neville off to your room please" she says sternly pointing to his room.

"But Grams" he argues

"No Buts, to your room"

Neville gives you an apologetic look as he shuffles up the stairs to his room and closes the door.

"So tell me Dear, why are you here and not at home?" She raises one of her eyebrows and rest her head on her hand.

"W-well, I found some shocking news out last night and I needed somewhere to stay and clear my thoughts. I'm sorry i intruded I know you aren't very fond of me,and I'll just be on my way" you mumble.

"And what was this shocking news? If you don't mind me asking?"

"This whole time my father was another person...." you stare at the table scared to make eye constant with her. She must think your mad.

"According to what Neville has told me about you, your supposed Father passed away am I correct?"

"Yes it is"

"So then you Mother and real Father brought this news upon you together I presume?"

Dang she's good. It's like she's in your mind.

"Yea, right again"

"Don't you think they are worried bout you Dear? They're probably worried sick you should at least let them know where you are. You can stay here as long as you need but please reach out to them you'll regret it if you don't." She places her hand on yours and you looked up shocked.

She gets up and heads for the stairs and you follow behind her when she suddenly stops and turns around to face you. "And just so you know I never hated you. I apologize for making you think such things. You would make a lovely wife for Neville." She says as she smiles as you for the first time.

You can't help the need to hug her as you step closer   to her and wrap your arms around her. This time she is the shocked one. "Thank you so much" you whisper.

She simply nodes and smiles as you latch yourself off of her and let her got up the stairs. She goes in her room and shuts the door. You walk up the steps too but Neville's door opens instantly and he swings an arm around you and pulls you in. He closes the door and stand before you looking concerned.

You study his futures for a moment looking at his browns locks of hair, his hazel eyes staring back at you, and his soft pink lips. And then you realize he got a bit taller,it's been like one day since you seen him how is it even possible he got taller!?!

"I'm going to go ask her if she'll let you stay I don't care if she already said no" he finally spoke

"Actually she is going to let me stay" you say blush creeping on to your face recalling her saying you'd make a lovely wife for Neville.

"Really? That's great........I don't want to pressure you in to telling me or anything but why were you crying love? I'm worried for you and it's okay if you don't want to talk about it now I just want to be there for you" he holds your hands and looks into your eyes admiringly.

"Yea I'm sorry I probably gave you such a fright seeing me like that. Do you remember Professor Lupin?"

"Uhh yea why? He says as he sits on the edge of his bed.

"Well turns out he is my Dad!" 

His eyes widen " Your Dad? But I-I thought your dad passed..."

"It's a long story" you flip on his bead and lay down and he joins you.

You explain to him exactly what your mother explained to you and he seemed just as shocked as you were.

"You should write to your Mum you know" he tells you.

"Mind if I borrow some parent and ink?"you ask him sweetly.

"Hmmm what do I get in return?"

Your eyes widen a bit. "What did you have in mind?"

"How bout a kiss right here" he says smirking as he points to his lips.

You laugh a little " I suppose I could do that"

He pulls you closer to him and plants his soft warm lips on yours and you can feel him smile into the kiss. This feeling he gives you when you kiss could never get old. You two finally pull away for air and a blush creeps on to his face.

"I can't believe how bold I was" he chuckles

"And I can't believe how adorable you are. Now where is the stuff I was promised" you joke with him and he points  to his supplies.

So sorry that it took me so long to update school is already hassling me with home work and school hasn't even started. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please comment, vote, and leave suggestions!! Thank you for reading my lovely's and until the next chapter!

P.S. I was thinking of giving this book a better title you guys have any ideas?

Word count 1080

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