Happy Birtday Neville!!!

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You woke up fairly morning that day. It was your one and only Neville's Birthday and you wanted to make it a great day for him. You had planned the whole day ahead of you and quickly got ready. You put on a pair of jeans, some boots, a nice shirt along with your leather jacket. You brushed your teeth and set off to the boys dorm.

Usually someone had to wake up Neville to get ready for breakfast, but you made sure to tell the boys not to wake him. So as everyone exited the common room quietly went up to check that he was still sound asleep. Now was your chance to sneak into the kitchens and make him a homemade breakfast in bed for Neville.You decided to go all out and made bacon, waffles, freshly cut fruit, and scrambled eggs. You had made such a mess but at least you didn't mess up on making anything. You displayed all the food on a tray and levitated it alongside you as you made your way back to the boys dorm. You set the tray on the nightstand next to Neville and for a quick moment you admired how cute he was in his sleep. You finally kissed him lightly on the forehead for him to wake up.

"Time to get up sleepy"you said as he started opening his eyes.

"Darn it! No one woke me up for breakfast!" He quickly launched out of bed heading towards his luggage and then as soon as he realized he was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers he started to blush madly.

"Neville, I didn't know you slept in your boxers!" You starters to laugh as he quickly got back in bead.

"I told all the boys not to wake you up, I wanted to make you a special Birthday breakfast!"

You placed the tray in his lap, "Thank you Love this looks great! But you know what would make this even better is if you enjoyed it with me" he said with a goofy grin.

You started to smile and crawled into bed with Neville and you two enjoyed the delicious meal together. Once you two were done he got dressed and you put your plans in place.

"C'mon Neville lets go to the greenhouse!"
Before he could even reply you grabbed his hand and starting running out of the castle. When you two arrived you opened the door for Neville. You had set fairy lights all around the room and made a sign with Flower vines that said "Happy Birthday Neville!". You even had some prepared gifts ready for him.

"Wow Your name this is amazing!"

"Glad you like it!"

You pulled his tie down so you two would be face to face and you gave him a soft passionate kiss. He lifted to up and you two continued the kiss until it had to end since you were running out of breath. For awhile you guys just talked about anything really and he opened his presents, you had gotten him a book in herbology, and a rare plant species that your mum actually help you find. Although it was his special day you never wanted it to end.

You and Neville walked back up to the castle hand in hand as you leaned your head against his shoulder. You two were probably going to go back to the common for the rest of the day and just hang out but as you passed the bath rooms you had an idea.

You stopped in your tracks " Hey Neville how would you like to go for a swim?"

"What do you mean in the black lake?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"No, no, I mean in the bathroom, and as in the bathroom I mean in the Prefect bathroom..." you had a devilish grin on your face and Neville couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, you just better hope no Prefects come in and decided to take a bath." He said while chuckling.

When you entered the Bathroom you started the hot water. You started to pull the hem of your shirt up and you could already see Neville begin to blush only making you blush too. He lifted up his shirt and quickly took of his pants, he got in the bath and waited as you were still taking off your pants.

It wasn't long until Neville was splashing water at you and being the cheesy romantic couple you were you started to goof around in the bath (even though it could be a pool). After awhile you two needed to catch your breaths and you he held you in his arms.

"I love you Your name"

"Neville have I ever told you how sexy I find your accent?"you both started to laugh but hid your face in his chest realizing how embarrassing that sounded out loud.

He lifted your face and held your cheek with his gentle hand.

"Thanks for the best Birthday ever, there isn't anything better in the world to me than spending a day with the love of my life." He said smiling giving you yet another passionate kiss.

Suddenly your kiss was interrupted by someone.

"This is a Prefect Bathroom you know! Prefects only!" Said Percy.

Thanks for reading this Chapter my fellow Potterheads! I was wondering whether not you guys would like a chapter or two in Neville's perspective? Well if so, if you could just do me a favor and vote on this chapter, it's much appreciated thank you! Keep reading!!!     -Tara

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