Detention For Neville Longbottom

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You and Neville were siting at the lunch table in the Great Hall while everyone was waiting impatiently for their food to appear. Neville wasn't much of a big eater especially when comparing him to Ron but you didn't really care as long as he wasn't starving himself. Though you were suspicious someone had to have to said something the other day about his appearance because he started to ask you random questions out of no wear.

"Your name, d-do you think think I'm too skinny or not strong enough....?" He asked as he started to turn red.

"Blind me Neville where is this all coming from?" Although you already had a good guess of who filled his head with such things. Draco.

" N- no where particular...I-I'm mean don't most girls like muscular builds....?" He asked avoiding your eyes as if he was scared of your answer.

"Neville you know I love you for who you are,your brilliant really! I wouldn't want to change a single thing about my perfect boyfriend, would you like me to shout it from the table?"

You started to climb up on the table getting a laugh from Neville as he pulled you down back to your seat to give you a kiss on the cheek. You saw madame hootch and quickly scrambled out of your seat, you've been trying to find her all day to ask her when quidditch tryouts were but she was no where to be found until now.Neville watched you with a goofy grin on his face as you went up to her and he was thinking to himself how lucky he was to have you as a girlfriend. You started to turn around to go back to your seat with Neville and that's when it hit you... literally. Someone had just smacked your bum on your was back to the table, you swung around to see Draco looking at you with with a devilish smirk look on his face. Before you couldn't scold him or maybe even slap him Neville nearly tackled Draco to the ground yelling at him.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on my girlfriend you piece of rubbish!" Him and Draco both started swinging at each other while they both landed some good punches on each other.

You were in a bit of a shock to see Neville who is typically your shy gentleman hit someone. Then you snapped out of it.You started to pull Neville back and Professor Snape was doing the same to Draco.

"Miss your last name, I suggest you aid to your boyfriends needs somewhere else so the two don't start another fight in the hospital wing, as for you Mr Longbottom I'll see you in detention tomorrow"He snarled.

You took Neville to the abandoned girls bathroom since it was the closest place you could think of and gently started to tend to his broken nose.

"This might hurt a bit Neville... I'm sorry" you pointed your wand at his broken nose "Episkey!"

"Ouch" He then wiggled his nose around to make sure it was intact.

"Neville what were you thinking you could have gotten much more than a broken nose....." you said as you whipped some of the blood oh his nose.

"Draco had been getting on my nerves all week, kept on saying how a pip-squeak like me couldn't land a girl like you.....he only drew the line when laying a hand on you." He said now making full eye contact with you.

There was no way you could even be mad at him after all he was just defending you. You sat then sat down in his lap and gave him a tight hug. He looked surprised but he only hugged you tighter.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" you gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

Welp that just happened 😅. I'm sorry I feel like this chapter doesn't have much detail like the others but I was a bit short on time. Any ways guys please feel free to leave some suggestions I would honestly love to get some!! Btw thank you guys for 60 reads I know it doesn't seem like much to you guys but I didn't think I was gonna get more than two! Thank you guys for reading! Peace out! ✌️


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