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The next morning I had already left my parents house wishing them congratulations. You were going to have a baby sibling soon, and you couldn't be more excited. You fumbled with the keys to your apartment and finally managed to unlock the door.

You closed the door behind you and you took off your coat hanging it on the coat hanger that was conveniently placed by the door just for that purpose. Your cat rushed to great you, her little bell jingling since she sprinted towards you. You petted the the top of her head earning some purs from her.

You walked into the bedroom your cat following right behind you. You looked at Neville who was sprawled out over the bed lightly snoring, he was clutching a pillow since you weren't next to him.

You leaned down to kiss his cheek when his arms wrapped around you quickly bringing you on to the bed and he held your arms down by your head. He looked at you like he was studying you, with a serious face. One you usually don't see.

You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding. He noticed and he loosened his grip around your arms, but he still held your hands as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. He was still hovering over you, one of his legs in between yours.

"Neville?" You whispered quietly.

He brought his face back up to face you, stumble was visible on his face. He placed his lips on yours hungrily kissing you and you kissed him back. He pulled back for air, still looking serious as ever.

"I love you." He said as he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. He continued to rub his thumb over your cheek.

"I love you too Neville. What's wrong?" You asked pulling one of your hands from his so you could cup his cheek.

Tears started to brim his eyes and he placed his hand over yours that was on his cheek. "After I went to visit my parents I went back to see Grams a-and she was on the ground. Practically drenched in her own blood, and her place was a mess. I reckon the death eaters tried to persuade her join them. Of course she wasn't going to, but how can I even be sure if she isn't waking up?!"

You wrapped you arms around him as his tears started to fall. "Neville you should have come to tell me immediately."

" I knew you were going to be busy with your dad, being Fathers Day and all." He whimpered.

"Where is she?" You asked.

"S.T. Mungos." He replied.

"Neville it's going to be okay.Come on we should go see her." You wiped away his tears.

"How do you know she is going to be okay?"

"I may not know your Grams that well but I know that she is one tough lady, she would probably be damned if she let some death eaters take her down. C'mon love let's go now."

You guys got off the bed and went to go put on your shoes then quickly apporated to the hospital. He lead you to her hospital room where she laid in her hospital bed. She did look out of shape. It was almost like she was colorless, like the life was being drained from her. And she had bandages all over her body. She was luckily breathing but like Neville had told you, she wasn't waking up.

You pulled out your wand and made a little flower reef for her nightstand making Neville slightly smile. He grabbed your hand and you held it but with you other hand you took his Grams hand.

You squeezed it lightly hoping she would just wake up. Hoping she could be with Neville a little longer. Hoping she would get to see you and Neville get married and maybe even have kids. A tear fell from you eyes falling onto her hand.

She tightened her hand around yours causing you to flinch. "Neville she's waking up!"

She opened her eyes looking between you and Neville giving you both a goofy smile.

Neville quickly let go of your hand so he could go over to hug his Grandmother, the women who raised him.

"Damn Death Eaters." She mumbled while patting Neville's back. "It's okay Neville I'm okay."

"I'm so glad your okay Grams I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered.

She turned towards you although Neville was still hugging her tightly, and she mouthed "thank you."

You smiled and nodded your head and she wrapped her arms around Neville letting a single tear fall from her eyes.

Sorry it's a little late and short guys but I still wanted to update it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote it would really make my day. And I'm finally done with finals so I'm freeeeeeeee! Yay! Till the next update! -Tara

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