New Years Eve

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"Your name! Get up already!! It's 9:30!!"Hermione said as she took away your covers and started to hit type with her pillow.

"Hermione don't get me wrong I love you are best friend.But  are you going to be waking me up for the rest of my life, can't you let me sleep in once in awhile!!"you said while rubbing your eyes sleepily.

"That's my mission as your friend" she said laughing.

"Lovely. Just Lovely"

You slowly walked out of bed towards the bathroom. After a good shower you were fully awake. You put your comfy pjs back on and sat on your bed,pulling out your favorite book Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them.

After reading the first paragraph you stopped and peaked out from your book to look at Hermione "So Hermione, I'm guessing you have something planned for us today?"

"Actually I have plans..."

"Awww leaving your best friend behind are you?" You teased her

"I'm going out on a date.....with Ronald" she said not being able to let a smile slip onto her face.

"Mhm I see.  Good for you Mione, tell him it hurts you in anyway I'll end him" you said making Hermione laugh nervously.

"Do me a favor y/n, don't stay in our room all day in your pjs. Bye!"  She left the girls corridor and you waited several minutes to make sure she was gone.

You closed your book and started walking down the stairs to the common room. "Oh don't worry Hermione I won't stay in our room all day....I'll stay in the common room all day in pjs! Ha!" You laughed to yourself. (Hey were all mad 😂)

You spread out on the best couch right next to the cozy fire and picked up where you were last reading from. No one else seemed to be around, probably due to the fact it was New Year's Eve. People on dates or going to parties. Who knew, right now you were enjoying your book so you could care less.

You flipped the page when you heard foot steps coming down from the boys dormitory (can ya guess who it is?). You peaked up from your book to see a groggy Neville,his hair was ruffled, he wasn't wearing anything but his boxers.....wait wuh? You couldn't help but blush he kinda looked- no he did look hot or maybe that was your crush talking,oh wait it was! You still liked Neville but you agreed to be just friends....but gosh darn it you were the one who brought friendship up.

Finally you snapped at of it.

"U-uhh Neville.......?" You squeaked behind your book trying to hide your blush.

"O-oh Hi y/n. Good morning!" He said cheerfully.

"Yes "very" Good Morning to you too! But uh Neville I believe you might have forgotten to put on some some clothes....." you said laughing nervously.

He looked down at himself eyes widening. "Ahh" he let a small yelp out as he sprinted up stairs for clothes.

You laughed to yourself a bit,darn his cuteness. You took that moment to go back to the girls dorm and get changed into some regular clothes. You walked back down to the common room but still no Neville. You assumed he was probably just cleaning up a bit so you later on the couch once again and started to read the your book. Soon enough you dozed of the book in your hand that was dangling off the couch.

Neville came down after his shower...and putting on clothes of course to find a sleeping beauty. He checked his watch. It was already 12:30 but he didn't want to wake her. So he pulled a blanket over her and kissed her on the forehead.

Neville pulled out his own book a herbology one of course and sat down in a chair near your couch. By the time he checked his watch again it was already 3:45 in the  afternoon fifteenth minutes till dinner he has to wake her up. He knew she would be more upset if she missed dinner rather then him waking her up.

"Y/n, I'm sorry to wake you but it's almost dinner time" he said as softly as he gently shook you asleep.

Your  head popped up at the word of dinner. "C'mon Neville no time to waste!!" You spring out from the couch gabbing his hand and rushing him out for dinner.

Were you glad too, dinner was delicious as always. You took your time eating your yummy food and savoring every bit of it. You were hungry and after all you didn't have breakfast or lunch.

"So Neville, have any plans for today?" You asked him from across the table after finishing your last bite of food.

"No actually,w-why?" He asked curiously.

"Just wondering that's all" you said smirking.

"Perhaps you'd like to take a walk with me then?" He asked making complete eye contact with you. 

"Sure I'd love to"

Time sure did pass with Neville. You guys walked past the Black Lake as you talked about what you guys had missed from each others life's since the break up.

The sky was already dark and you guys were still waking but this time to the astronomy tower. You two sat down skimpily enjoying the view and each others relaxing silence.

"Y/n I've missed you..." he said quietly

"I missed you a lot too Nev" you said back.

Then his watch beeped.

"Gosh look at the time it's already a few minutes till New Years" he said  

All of the sudden burst of color went through the air. Fireworks of all kinds were being launched into the sky by Fred and George on brooms. They were so pretty. 

"Weasleys, of course" he said chuckling to him self.

"Any moment now." He looked down at his watch. 

"5...4...3...2...1!!! You changed together.

Bigger fireworks went off and you watched Neville. A simple kiss on the cheek couldn't hurt...right? So you leaned in to kiss Neville on the cheek.

Only he turned around at that very moment making your lips connect. Your stomach had butterflies and you panicked a bit but instead he pulled you closer kissing you back. How you missed his aloft warm lips on yours. At this very moment everything was absolutely perfect.

Finally it's about time if I do say so myself! Please comment and vote I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter. Until the next chapter bye!! Tara

Word count 1104

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