Ice Skating

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*Guys I'm such a dummy!! I had this ready last night but I guess I forgot to publish!! So sorry about that!! Hope you enjoy this chapter anyways!!

How funny to think that last time it was Christmas Eve you were with Neville on your first date going to the Yule ball. Now it's Christmas Eve again but this time it's just you and Hermione. Two weeks earlier all heck broke loose with Ron, but it only made you and Hermione closer.

You were laying on your bed petting you cat, Hermione right across from you lying in her bed as well both of you still having your pjs on.

"Hermione c'mon let's get out and do something, it's Christmas Eve for crying out loud!"

You got out of bed and pulled out some clothes out from Hermiones dresser throwing them at her.

"Here go put on some clothes!"

"I've couldn't gotten them myself...but whatever" Hermione said laughing.

You went back to your dresser and pulled out some of your winter clothes. Who knows where you two were going but all that mattered was having a good time at this point.

Finally getting out of the castle you and Hermione went on a little walk. It was starting to snow but not hard enough to go back inside. And as you passed the black lake you realized it was frozen over.

"HERMIONE!! let's going ice skating on the Black Lake!!" Your face light up in excitement.

"That's sounds like a brilliant idea I know just the spell for ice skates too!!" Hermione cassed a spell making two pairs of ice skates appear right before your feet.

You two sat down by the tree and put on your skates about ready to tie them when someone tapped on Hemrione's shoulder. 

"H-Hermione could I talk with you alone for a minute p-please?" Ron asked very quietly

Hermione glared at him. Then she glanced back to you.

"Go ahead let him talk, but make sure you put him in his place" you told Hermione. She started to take off he skates and put her shoes back on. And then she left with Ron.

"Alone during Christmas Eve, maybe it won't be to bad. Sure you don't even know how to ice skate but who cares at this point....... oh great now I'm talking to myself!" You argued with yourself.

You finished tying your skates and headed towards the ice. As soon as you stepped onto the ice you almost fell but after that you were doing okay. Okay as in not falling, you weren't exactly moving either.

Finally you started to push of the ice trying to ice skate was not exactly like regular skating but maybe it was the same hoped. But of course you tripped on your own lace from your skates guess you didn't tie them good enough. You were falling face first to the cold hard ice until a strong arm caught you just in time.

"T-Thanks"you as you turned around to see it was.

"H-Hi Y/N"  Neville was stills holding you up with his one arm, looking at you sadly.

You stood up supporting yourself,but he didn't let go of you.

"Neville...what do you want..?" You didn't mean to sound offensive but you quite honestly wanted to know what he was doing here. He hasn't talked to you in months after all.

This time he spoke with more confidence "Look I know I've been a real jerk to you since we broke up and that I didn't believe you when I should've. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and I should've believed you. But I miss you..."

"It's about time you believed me....but why do you all of the sudden believe me?"

"Well Hermione actually showed me about two weeks ago....she used her time turner after Hannah dumped me to be exact..."

"I'm very sorry to hear that Neville....I forgive you but I don't know if I'm even ready to take you back, you broke my heart everyday I had to see you and Hannah make out, or do all the things we did as a couple. I'm a bit broken Neville." You said as tears started to form your in your eyes, but darn it you don't want to cry not now.

"Okay I understand.....but just know I'm sorry can't we at least start over as f-friends? Please?" He was practically begging.

How could you say no to that sweet face.

"Alright Neville, friends?" You stuck out your hand for him to shake.

"Friends" he shook your hand and gave you a small genuine smile.

"Soooooooo know how to skate Neville?" Cause I don't I could honestly use your help if you know how that is..."

"Oh yea! Sure I'll help you" Neville cast the same spell as Hermione used to get some ice skates.  He sat down for a moment to put on the skates and tied them. He then kneels on one knee to tie your skate so you would fall.

He stayed right by your side making sure to catch you if you fell and support you when you needed it.

"By the way y/n i know it isn't Christmas yet because but Merry Christmas anyways" He said looking over at you smiling.

"Merry Christmas Neville" you said smiling back.

Guys what if I just ended the story off with you two being friends!? Lol jk! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please got an comment on anything I'll always listen to ideas!! Until the next chapter byeee!!  -Tara

Word count 950.

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