Neville Innocent?

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock Hermione recently got you, since she's been too busy to wake you up early lately. You jumped out of bed and quickly did your morning routine. You rushed out of the girls dorm grabbing your duffel bag on the way out.

Woods was gonna kill you if you were late to your quidditch practice. You went in the girls locker room and got dressed in your quidditch uniform. You grabbed your trusty old shooting star broom, but it was left for your possession when your father died. It was his first broom.

You made your way to the green field where the rest of the team gathered.

"It's going to be a rough practice today, so give it all you got !! We need to beat Hufflepuff in this upcoming match. Don't disappoint me!! Now let's go!!" Woods yelled.

You mounted your broom and you were off.

~~~after practice~~~

After an exhausting practice you were sore, Oliver really worked you guys today but it would all be worth it if you guys won the Quidditch Cup. You went up the stairs of the girls dorm and set your duffel bag by your bed as you made your way to the bathroom. You were going to take a nice warm shower and maybe take a quick nap.

You got of the shower and realized you left your clothes in your duffel bag. Darn it. You said to yourself. Good thing everyone is visiting Hogesmade right now you thought to yourself. You wrapped the towel around your body and held it up with one hand for extra support. You opened the bathroom door and walked over to the bed and was beginning to sit down. Until you noticed someone else was on the bed.

"Ahhhhh" You shrieked. You were so startled your hand let go of the towel and it was about to fall down when you quickly grabbed it back up blushing like mad.

"Uh um I-I'm so so so sorry I s-shouldn't have -come up yet!" Neville stuttered becoming red. His hand flew to his eyes and he tried walking out of the room until he hit the door frame missing it by inches. "Ouch" he said to himself. He held up his arm to feel the opening of the door and guided himself out.

You giggled a bit, but you were probably a shade deeper of red than he was. You scrambled to get some clothes on and was replaying the memory in your head over and over. That could have gone way worse.

You walked down the stairs to see a flustered Neville on an armchair holding his hand over his red face out of embarrassment.

"Nev?" You whispered as you placed your hand on his shoulder. He shot out of his chair surprised.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I thought y-you we're still at q-quidditch practice and I was g-gonna wait for you to get back, so we could watch a m-movie like we planned last -last night" he said not making eye contact with you as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's okay Neville I forgot out our plans for a movie ....but didn't see anything...r-right? You questioned him nervously still a shade of pink.

"N-no nothing at all" he shook his head like he was saying no furiously.

"Okay soo how bout that movie then? You can pick this time" feeling a little less worried you grabbed Neville's hand and pulled him to the couch.

You set up the movie system,with the help of a little magic playing the movie like a projector. Midway through the movie you were laying on Neville's chest and fast asleep. You were pretty exhausted from the practice after all. Neville didn't bother to wake you up as you looked so tired. He slowly shut his eyes to the movie and fell asleep not to long after you.

After about an hour passed you woke up to the sound of music. You opened your eyes to see the credits rolling. You turned your head to see that Neville was still sleeping, but something was poking your thigh. You figured it was just Neville's leg because you were laying on his chest but as you got up to stop the movie,you froze.

Looks like Neville's little friend came out to play. You quietly giggled to yourself. Neville, your innocent little Neville......wasn't so innocent at all. You couldn't wipe of he smirk of your face but you quickly went back to stoping the movie.

"Y/n" Neville whispered.

You turned back around thinking he was awake but- but he was still sleeping. You didn't want to wake him up but at this rate you were going to miss lunch, and you were hungry as it is.

You bent over Neville and gently kissed his soft lips hopefully waking him up. Sure enough he started to open his eyes.

"Time to get up sleepy head" you said chuckling to yourself. You were going to tease him a little.

"Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" he apologetically.

"Oh no no don't worry about....but on the other hand I woke up to a pleasant little surprise" you laughed.

He looked at you with a confused look until you gazed down to his pants, he followed your gaze and his eyes widened his face once again red. He whipped his head up at you and his mouth was dangling open probably looking for words to explain himself but no words were spoken.

You started to giggle " We should go down to lunch, but um you might wanna fix that"

"I-I'll meet you down there!" He yelled as he darted up the stairs to the boys dorm.

Neville isn't as innocent as he seems at all.

So just to let you guys know I won't be able to update for the next three days I'm going camping and I won't have any wifi to write. But I'll be be back To righting as soon as I get back. Hope you all found this chapter to be... entertaining 😏. Any who thanks for reading and until the next time my Potterheads. Bye!


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