Holding Her in my arms

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If you haven't figured it out by the title I'm finally going to be writing in Neville's POV! Too me long enough I know, but better late than never!

I'm awoken by some knocks downstairs. Who could that possibly be it's 2:00 in the morning! I shuffle out of my bed and rush downstairs to see who in there right mind was knocking at my our front door.

I reach the door and unlock it "It's bloody 2:00 in the morning what do you-" My heart instantly aches as my eyes meet Y/N's tearful eyes, she's holding a suitcase behind her and no questions need to be asked.

I pull her in the house with one moment along with her suitcase in the house shutting the door behind me.I pulled her into my shoulder embracing her in a hug making her brake down.

Her tearful eyes look up at me like a lost puppy "I'm sorry I came without asking.....I had no where else to go. I shouldn't have come....I'm sorry" she says in a muffled voice due to her crying.

My Heart is pain knowing she's not Happy. I know I'm not the best at comforting people, but for her I'll do anything.

"Shhh it's okay don't worry everything will be okay. I'm glad you came to me. C'mon let's get you to bed" I whisper while I put my hand on the small of her back guiding her up the stairs to my room.

Grams might kill me when she finds out, but it's a risk worth taking. I gently seat her on my bed and lay her down getting in next to her. Whatever is on her mind is going to stop her from sleeping, I just know it. I wrap my arm around her waist and intertwine my hand hers as she rest her head on my chest.

The rest of the morning she barely got any sleep , I stayed up with her just holding her in my arms. When it was finally 5:00 am she dozed into a sleep and I relaxed a bit knowing she was at least getting some rest. I soon fell asleep with her and by the time I woke up she was still sound asleep. I took that moment to very carefully get out of bed. I didn't want to wake her, when she looked so peaceful in her sleep.

After managing to get out of her grasp I walked downstairs to find my Grams on her hair reading copy of the mornings Daily Prohet.

I became tense under her presence as I tried walking past her into the kitchen.

Key word was tried.

"Neville what are you doing up so early?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

"Uh....erm.....m-making breakfast?" I stuttered it out as a question. Great now she probably knows I'm hiding something, I'm so useless sometimes.

"Hmm, okay make sure you make blueberry pancakes for me while you at it."

"Okay" I squeaked out nervously as I stumble over to the kitchen.

She's going to kill me when i bring down y/n for breakfast. I'm a dead man.

I shuffle around the kitchen grabbing all my ingredients for the breakfast I have planned. I'm surprised I'm even good at cooking, but at least I can do just that for my sweetheart.

After preparing all the food I look down at the kitchen table in success. Bacon crisped to perfection, eggs scrambled and looking fluffy (great description for eggs ik 😅) and my two different kinds of pancakes. Blueberry for Grams and Chocolate chips for Y/n.

I woke over to Grams "Breakfast is ready Grams I'm just going to- to change..." I told her as I rush up the stairs.

I open my door and still see she's fast asleep. Ughhh why do I have to wake up my sleeping beauty. I first change into some clothes and then walk over to her and gently tap her shoulder.

"I made you breakfast love" I whisper into her ear.

With the word Breakfast she pops up from the bed and gives me her adorable smile causing my heart to melt. "Thanks Neville, your always such a gentleman. If you could just give me one moment to...dress?"

A blush creeps on my face "of course! I'll wait for you downstairs at the kitchen table! A-and don't worry about Grams if she gives you a hard time" I says sheepishly scratching the back of my neck as I exit my room.

I walk back over to the table and join my Grams who's already eating. Moment later I hear y/n walk down the stairs and Grams instantly notices the noise.

"Neville who else is in the house?!" She ask as her eyebrows knit together.

Welp, this outta be interesting.

Sorry I cut this chapter short guys I know it wasn't that interesting. Midway thought writing this my mom came in my room and told me we have to put a family dog down tomorrow. She's my grandmas dog but we were still close to her. Not long after she came to my room again and told me that the dog already passed and we didn't even get to say goodbye. You guys don't need to know this yet here I am.....sorry for being such a downer. Anyways hope you liked the chapter....vote, comment, and leave any suggestions and until the next update. -Tara

Word count 926

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