Platform 9 3/4

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Grief. The whole school was grieving over the lost of our wonderful headmaster Albus Dumbledore. No one questioned how he actually died, because no one wanted to ask Harry.

The final weeks of school were dull. O.W.L.'s were cancelled, no house won the yearly cup, and worst of all us students remained unaware of who our next Headmaster was going to be. It only seemed right that Professor McGonagall take his place, but something about the way Snape stood where Dumbledore stood made you think other wise.

The whistle of the train went off interrupting your thoughts. Neville who was holding both his and your luggage still managed to keep a hand available for your own. Before getting on the train you stopped abruptly taking one final look at your school, what was to become of it?

Neville tightened his grip around your hand and you looked up at him. You tried your best to smile at him as you stepped onto the train. He lead you down the train finally stopping at your favorite compartment that conveniently  stayed empty.

He slid the door open and quickly put  all the luggage on the racks. You opened up the cage that your cat had to be and she quickly sprung free.

Neville took a seat and you did the same right next to him. Your cat jumped onto your lap and she brought up her two front paws to your checks so she was now standing. You rubbed her face all over yours purring and you pet her with a small smile. She continued to curl up in your lap and fall asleep.

Neville tucked his arm rightfully around your shoulder. Your hands fell to the ends of your skirt as you were still wearing your school uniform, you played anxiously with the hem.

Neville noticed this as a sign that you were nervous. "What's on your mind Y/n?" He beckoned to you softly.

"You make me feel safe Neville, you always have. I need you." You blurted out. "I want to wake up beside you every morning to find that your hands are wrapped around me, you are my home. So if the offer still stands. I'd love to live with you, of course I will chip in with the flat too I'm not going to let you do it all on your own."

Neville tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear cupping your cheek he pulled you in for a kiss causing your heart to rapidly beat faster. You placed your hands on his chest feeling his quick heart beat and he used his other hand to hold yours to his chest. You finally pulled away for air he rested his forehead on yours, yours noses now gently touching.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replied back pressing another quick kiss to your temple.

"When exactly did you ask my parents anyways...?"You questioned as he still held your hands up to his chest.

"A while ago actually, at their after party for the wedding. Your Mum seemed overjoyed at the idea, your Dad on the other hand he took some convincing. But once I got everyone's approval I had to build up my own courage." He chuckled nervously.

"How could I say no to you." You teased kissing his neck making him go a bright red.

"So you have a little placed picked out already?" You asked as he rested your hands in his lap.

"I do, but I wanted to wait and see what your answer was, and if you even liked the place. But we can go have a look whenever your ready Love." He said while tracing random shapes on your palm.

"I'm sure I'll love it!" You said before there was a tap on the door.

Hermione slid the glass door open with the most giddiest looking smile displayed on her face and she held Rons hand. Ron scratched the back of his neck while cracking a wide smile when you winked at him.

Neville and you shared a look, they're back.

"I'll see you over the summer Y/n?" Hermione questioned again as if she hadn't already asked you before you guys left Hogwarts.

"I already told you I would Hermione." You replied "Though if you're going to write to me I might have to give you a new address." You said casually smiling at Neville who avoided your eyes blushing.

"Whatever that means..." Hermione mumbled.

"All in good time 'Mione, all in good time."

The train whistled once more making it know to every student that the train had arrived at platform 9 and 3/4.

Hermione quickly turned her attention back to you "I'll see you then!" She said before scurrying off with Ron to probably get their own luggage.

Neville handed you the case for you cat and as much as she didn't want to go back in she had to for a moment, you scooted her in you locked it. Neville stood up to get your luggage and you guys walked off the train to greet your family.

Neville's Gram was waiting next to your parents. Your Dad was the first to envelope you in his arms.

"I missed you!" He said pulling away so he could look at you.

"I missed both of you guys!" You said pulling both your Mum and Dad in for a hug.

"Did he ask you yet!? What did you say? Please tell me you said yes?" You Mother burst with her questions and without really explaining what she was talking about you already knew what was on her mind.

"Yes Mum, I said yes." You replied causing her to let out a loud squeal of joy.

"Don't forget about me Dear, I've missed you as well." Neville's Gram cut in.

"Oh never Mrs.Longbottom!" You insisted giving her a warm hug as well.

Neville on the other hand was giving you Dad a very awkward hand shake as your Dad was staring daggers at Neville. Then to your Mum who gave him a tight hug as she still bounced up and down with joy.

"When do you move out!?" You Mum shouted with too much happiness laced in her voice.

"Jeez Mum I just got back and it almost seems like you don't want to have me around anymore!" You said narrowing your eyes a her.

"Don't worry about your Mother she's just blabbering rubbish. Leave when your ready Y/n." Your dad assured you but he still earned a smack from your Mum for speaking up.

"I'll see you soon then Longbottom?" You asked facing Neville.

He gave you his adorable smile "You know you will."

Not as long as I would have liked but, what do you guys think? I hoped you all enjoyed it, so please don't forget to comment and vote it really let's me know if you guys like the chapter! Until the next update ! - Tara

Word count 1167

Loving Neville Longbottom Where stories live. Discover now