Return to Hogwarts?

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The past weeks seemed to go by rather quick as you and Neville made new memories in your apartment. But that didn't stop time to fly by and now you had to get ready to go back to Hogwarts.

Who would feed the stray cat that wonders the flat? Who would water Neville's plants or trim them if necessary? Who would tidy the place up once in awhile? Or maybe, would you even go back to Hogwarts?

As you settled into the couch at Neville's Grams house you clutched a cup of tea in one hand and while holding Neville's hand with your other.

Your parents came to visit and see how Neville's Grams was doing and as she told them several times she was absolutely fine.

"Y/n, did you tell Neville and his Grandmother the good news?" Your Mum said with a smile spread across her face as she squeezed your Dads hand.

You were staring at your tea when you looked up "I actually thin I forgot to, leave it to me to forget something that big." You said sheepishly.

Neville raised one oh his eyebrows as if that alone was questions what the news was.

"Well go on then Remus spill the tea!" Neville's Grams said holding her own cup of tea with a slight smirk of excitement.

"Well were expecting a baby!!" Your Mum nearly squealed before your Dad could even say anything.

Neville looked at you with a goofy smile on his face "Your going to be a big sister, you'll be perfect." He said kissing your check.

You smiled as they congratulated your parents and soon to bough Neville's Grandmother was asking  your Mum baby questions.

Your Dad however took this moment to come sit with you guys but he looked a little too serious for your liking.

"What's with that look Dad, something on your mind?" You questioned as you set your tea on the coffee table.

"Well you guys you both know that Dumbledore passed last semester and well I just found out that Snape is going to be the new headmaster." He spoke almost in a whisper as though he wasn't supposed to be saying this aloud.

Neville nearly choked on his tea and the he arched his eyebrows "Snape?!"

"Yeah Snape. Although Dumbledore trusted Snape I can't imagine the school being the same... it might be dangerous. I'm not quite sure if I want you going back to Hogwarts this year Y/n." He said bluntly avoiding your eye contact.

It was your turn to arch your eyebrows.

"Neville will be going of course." Neville's Grams cut in. "No doubt the school will be changing but he still needs his education beside he should be able to defend himself."

"Of course I'm going Grams." He said quietly.

"But Dad you know I'll be ok don't you? Neville will be with me the whole year I'm sure we don't have much too worry about besides Snape constantly favoring slithern." You laughed  nervously.

"I know, I just don't want you to get hurt or anything. Who knows what this year has ahead. I mean dementors have been everywhere lately and they did show up to Hogwarts. So what if they show up again and cause problems? Y/n I know it's your choice now, you'll old enough to decide. Which means your most likely going back. Just promise me to be carful okay, and write to me as often as you can." He said then got up and went back to your mothers side.

"Of course Dad I promise." You said as you walked over to them giving them both hugs.

"Thanks for visiting."  Neville's Grams said as she closed the door when they left. " I'm sure you two will be okay as long as you have each other." She said sweetly.

"Don't you two have some shopping to do for the new year? You better get on it only a weak before your back at Hogwarts. I except letters form you as well Neville keep me updated." She said patting his back as she ushered you two out the door.

Neville took your hand " I've got you so I'm sure I'll get threw the year." He said with a grin.

You smiled up at him although you still felt a little uneasy. He let go of your hand and wrapped it around you waist pulling you closer to him. "Will be okay." He said with such determination.

Yet you couldn't feel as determined, you had a really uneasy feeling Thur you tried to brush it off as you made your way to Diagonally.

                        ~~~ A week later ~~~

You wheeled you luggage and held your cat trying not to bump into anyone as you rushed around platform 9 3/4. Neville was tailing behind and you two had just said goodbye to his Grandmother and you were now looking for your parents so you could say goodbye before you got on the train.

You finally spotted them near one of the pillars and you zig zagged around people to get to them.

"Mum and Dad I'm going to mind you both so much!" You said hugging them both at once with your cat still in one arm. Don't know how you managed that really.

"Be carful Y/n and don't forget to write!" Your Dad said with concern laced in his voice.

"Of course." You said. Neville places his hand on the small of your back.

"Take care of my daughter Neville." Your Dad said staring at him.

"With my life Mr.Lupin." He said looking right back into your Dads eyes.

"We love you sweetie!" Your mom yelled as you two head for the train.

"Love you too!" You yelled back before you got on there train.

"Love I packed us snacks for the ride why don't we sit at one of the tables this time?" Neville asked.

"You brought snacks?" You said your eyes lighting up.

He chucked at your excitement and lead you to one of the tables. He put up your luggage on the racks above and you sat down so your cat could curl up in your lap.

The whistle of the train blew and you were off. Neville pulled out the snacks and laid them on the table for you.

It wasn't a moment later when a couple of Death Eaters walked into the train compartment their eyes scanning for someone.

You could help but feel a little frightful, how could they just waltz onto the train like nothing?!

Neville quickly stood up and put his arm in front of you on the table, like he was shielding you.

"Hey losers, he isn't here!"

It's been a long long long time. I'm sorry to have taken such a long brake but a lot of stuff has happened since then. As much as I don't like leaving this story for long periods of time I can at least say that I did some things and  took some to think while I wasn't writing. I hope you guys can continue reading my story and forgive my leave of absence. I certainly missed this whole experience and I want to finish this story.

Till next chapter~~~ Tara


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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