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That morning Hermione woke you up once again. Only this time she had a sad expression on her face.

"What's the matter Hermione?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

"Your name, you have no memory of what you did last night, do you?"

"Yea I do, Neville brought me up to bed an I was out....why?" You got out of bed pulling out clothes from your drawers, including Neville's t-shirt.

"W-we'll I hate to be the one to brake it to you but... you kinda broke Neville's heart last night..... you were caught kissing Draco."

"Hermione, will you stop with the nonsense? I would never do such a thing. I was in bed the whole time!" You started to laugh nervously. Where was she coming up with these accusations?

"L-look your name, Neville told me that he saw you and Draco kissing. He followed you out of the common room simply thinking you were sleep walking, instead he finds you making out with Draco!! I hardly think I would lie about such a thing...besides you two a-are no longer an item. He was going to tell you himself but h-he broke down"
She said with a sorrow look on her face ,yet you could tell she was serious.

The only thing was you had no memory of kissing Draco or even leaving your bed. There was only one way to see if it was true. You walked of the girls dorm and headed your way out of the common room to find Draco himself. If he re-called this event and Neville was longer speaking to you would be true, right?

You saw Neville along the way. He was surrounded by a crowd of girls. Ginny, Luna, and Hermione were all included and when you tried to walk up to him you made eye contact with him just for a split second. He honestly looked terrible tired eyes, messy hair, and when he looked at you he looked heartbroken. The closer you got Ginny stepped in your way, and she quite honestly looked angry.

"How could you breaks his heart!? He gave you everything and what do you do? You throw it all away!! He deserves better!!"

Tears started to form in your eyes, you backed away,reality hitting you like a punch to the face. You raced down the Great Hall looking for the bleach blonde boy. When you spotted him you trapped his arm and led him out side.

He didn't even seem to notice your tears instead he just gave you a sheepish grin.

"Up for round 2 already Love?" He leaned in pushing you up against the wall traveling his hands down your waist.

"D-Draco stop!" You slapped him right across the face leaving his pale skin red from the impact.

"The rumors were true then, you like me don't you?" You questioned him and he looked shocked that you were calling him out.

"Yea so what if I do... couldn't let Longbottom have you for himself" he said it so causally.

It made you boil with anger. Did he throw away your relationship with Neville just because he had a crush!? Why couldn't he just realize that you were in love with Neville!

"What did you do Draco? I know you did something to me, I would never do this on my own!!!" You pulled his tie down to your eye level so he could look you in the eyes.

"Why would I tell you?" He chucked.

"You know what time don't, I'll find out sooner or later" You let go of his tie and headed back to Great Hall.

When you sat down next to Hermione all your friends went silent. All eyes landed on you and Neville avoided your gaze.Neville was on the far side of the table and Hermione was the only one really taking to you.

"Hermione you've got to help... I don't remember last night and I feel terrible for what've I've done....but I don't think I did it on my own will." You desperately needed her help if anyone could solve a mystery it would be Hermione.

She just started at you, wondering her eyes like she was thinking about it.

"Fine. I'll investigate, but only because I really want to find a reason not to be mad at you." You gave her a sympathetic look.

"Thanks Mione"

The only problem was, even if you did do all those things out of your will how were you supposed to make Neville trust in you again. You weren't sure, but still the day had to go on. You still had to go to all your classes and pass by Neville on the way to your next class. You missed him. You missed the way he was so goofy around you, the way he would kiss your cheek, give you compliments all the time, tell you he loved you every day, how he would be so clumsy around you, his soft lips on yours, the way you felt safe with him, that special feeling he made you have, you missed having his love.

The day was coming to a slow end and as soon as you got to the common room you rushed up to the girls dorm early. No one else was in there thank goodness. You crawled into bed and you couldn't help but cry yourself asleep. Why couldn't it all be a dream, or more like a nightmare that you could wake up from and everything would be alright... but of course that's not how it works.

Gosh, okay guys don't hate me you'll find out what happens in the next chapter for sure. Summer is near guys which allows me to write longer chapters yay! Please comment on any chapter suggestions and vote thank you for reading as always!! I hope you "enjoyed" this chapter. Stay tuned, until next time! -Tara

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