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Taehyung sharply turned into an ally way. Jungkook was skeptical but followed Taehyung anyway. The boy had a bright smile on his face as he turned to look at Jungkook. He stopped on front of what looked like a brick wall leaving Jungkook confused.

Taehyung pressed a brick and they both heard a click and the door swung open. A couple people turned to look at them but only a few seconds later went back to talking with friends or family.

"Welcome back Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled and said thank you. Jungkook took this small moment to look around the place. It was small but amazing.


Jungkook felt a tug on his shirt and looked to see Taehyung who pointed at the ice cream man.

"Chocolate please."

"Would you like a topping?"

"No thank you."

"Alright well here you guys are."

He handed Taehyung and Jungkook their ice cream before cleaning the counter top. Taehyung sighed happily and made sure to grab Jungkooks free hand and take him back outside. He wanted to be able to walk a little bit and just enjoy time with Jungkook.

"That's a cool place Tae."

"Thanks. I fell into by accident."

"Fell into it."

A small shade of pink bloomed on Taehyungs cheeks as he recalled the incident.

"I was talking the ally as a shortcut one afternoon with Jiyeon and I ran my hand across the wall when boom I fell into the shop."

Jungkook laughed and squeezed Taehyungs hand.

"Thanks Tae."

"No problem Kookie."

Sorry it was lame. So like I see people drawing fan art for other people's stories and I'm like :( I wish people would do that for me too:((

So now I'm over here drawing stick figures.

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