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Aliza's PoV

I stared at the note once more. I could hardly sleep all night and the fact that this was resting on my bedside table didn't help. I wanted to throw it away and forget it ever existed but how could I? I didn't even recognise the man who gave it, yet he seemed to look at me as if he knew me. As if he knew Steve.


I heard him come home around 3am and it sounded like he had stopped outside my door for a moment, but then resorted to stumbling into his own apartment. When I heard his door softly close, I released the breath I didn't realise I was holding.

After last night I decided I would need to slow down with the feelings I had finally admitted to yesterday, at least for now. It was very unlikely Steve would feel the same way anyway, I mean, he never misses the chance to call me his best friend. Emphasis on the friend part. That did hurt, but I'd get over it. I have too. For the both of us. I don't want to lose him, so I'd rather spend the rest of our time as his best friend and never tell him, than risk it and lose him altogether. My eyes glanced down to the ring shimmering on my finger. I trailed along the intricate details and it's almost as if I could feel Steve's presence.

My hand quickly snapped back and with a heavy heart, I rolled out of bed and slithered into the bathroom, ready to go to work and be around people who look like I feel.

Steve PoV

I got in very late this morning, or would it be considered very early? My body was sore and I wanted nothing more than to collapse into bed but instead I stood outside Aliza's door to continue the conversation we never got to finish. But then I checked the time. She was probably sleeping so I just stalked into my own apartment and sleep came as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Once I had awoken, I thought about Liza. She was all I could think about since I left her standing there in the hallway. I was a complete idiot to kiss her on the cheek because she was leaning in too. But what if it was just the heat of the moment? I've known I love her for quite some time now, but does this mean she feels the same?

I heard the jangling of keys outside in the hall and quickly jumped out of bed, racing to my front door. I swung it open and there stood Aliza, locking her front door. She was startled to see me, and from her tired eyes, she probably didn't get much sleep last night.

"Steve. I'd love to stay and chat but I have to get to work. See you." She didn't even look up at me. She just locked her door and ran off. I stood still with my eyebrows furrowed. Just as I was about to wander back in, a voice spoke up from a little ways down the hall.

"Well, that was awkward."

"Sharon. Good morning. And I don't know what you mean. She was obviously just in a rush to get to work." Even I could hear the uncertainty in my voice.

"Really? You tell yourself whatever you want, but from where I was standing, it looked like she couldn't wait to get away from you. I even heard her let out a sigh of relief as she walked past me." Sharon was beginning to get closer to me and my palms began to sweat. I leaned against my doorway and rubbed my eyes.

"No. I mean, last night, we-"

"You what? Kissed her on the cheek and then left her to go on a mission. Missions that you still haven't told her about? Let's face it Cap." She was inching closer. "If she means so much to you, you would have told her by now. You should stop fighting this. I'm the one you really want to be with." Her chest was up against mine. Her breath hit my lip and I closed my eyes as my mind flashbacked to last night.

In my mind I could see her. We were chest to chest. I could smell her strawberry shampoo. Her perfume had been driving me crazy all night and I could finally breath it all in. Her eyes fluttered open and close and I had to stop myself from planting my lips on her right there and then.

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