thirty six

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Steve's PoV

After shifting Aliza back to her room, Tony and I both retreated to our own to relax after what happened today. Sometimes it's like we just can't catch a break. I had to stop myself several times in the night to flee to Aliza's room just to make sure she was alright but the doctor said she needed time to rest to ensure she properly heals.

After a sleepless night, I made my way downstairs and slowly left the tower, ready for a day of work. I tried to check in on Aliza but her door was locked so I had to find content with FRIDAY telling me she was alright. When I came back that night, she still hadn't come down which made Tony and I concerned.

"Aliza. You awake?"

I heard some shuffling from behind the door but there was no answer.

"Doll, Tony and I just want to know you're alright. FRIDAY said you haven't eaten anything the whole day. We have a plate set up for you. I can bring it up if you want?"

Tony stood beside me with one ear up against the door and his hands in his pocket. He looked up at me with his eyebrows raised but they dropped when there was still no reply. I shrugged my shoulders in defeat and was about to go get her plate when I heard a soft mumble from the other side of the door.

"I'm not hungry but thank you."

There was another pause before she began talking again.

"And you guys don't need to worry. I just want some time alone right now."

Tony and I looked at each other. He shook his head and left but I lingered, not wanting to leave. It took all my power not to get FRIDAY to unlock the door so I could go inside and hold her but she didn't need me right now. I sighed and went back to my room for another uncomfortable night.


My eyes blinked open as I registered a soft rapping on my door. I waited a few moments in bed before I slowly got up and shuffled to the door. I'm sure my hair was sticking up in all directions and I could hardly get my eyes to fully open. When I opened the door, I saw a flustered Aliza standing there bobbing on her feet.

"Aliza." My voice was scruffy and slightly deeper than usual.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." She still wasn't looking up at me as she just stood there awkwardly.

"That's okay. What's wrong?"

"I-I couldn't sleep." She looked down at her fingers and it took me a second to respond.

"You want to come in?"

She nodded her head and I moved to the side so she could scuffle past me.

"Hot chocolate?"

I remember a time we used to sit in her apartment drinking hot chocolate and spend the whole night talking. Again, she nodded her head and I moved out of my room and towards the kitchen. When I came back with two steaming cups, I found her looking through my bookcase at the various books she had gotten me as well as all my records.

She noticed me and moved away from them. I led her to the sofa next to my window and we both gently sat down next to each other. Her arm pressed against mine and it wasn't long before her head rested against my shoulder.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Is something bothering you?"

She looked up at me hesitantly before grabbing her cup and taking a quick sip. "I had a nightmare but I don't really remember what it was about. I just remember that it was scary and it felt so real. I couldn't get back to sleep after it and I don't know, I just didn't want to be alone." She mumbled the last part and my heart weakened. I reached over and placed my arm around her shoulder.

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