ten. part two.

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I walked through the halls with the biggest smile on my face, knowing that he would be awake soon and maybe we could finally have our happy ending because I was getting a little tired of all the shit in between. I took a deep breath before turning the handle and walking into his hospital room. The smile dropped from my face and was replaced with a scowl.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

There in all her glory, stood Sharon, the only curse in my life. And next to her lay a conscious Steve with a disappointed look on his face. Their hands were intertwined and he was about to say something when I walked in but she beat him to it.

"Aliza! Did you just get here? I honestly thought no matter what had transpired before, you would have been glued to his side but i'm sure you had more important things to tend to. Me? I've spent the last five weeks in that chair waiting for my boyfriend to wake up. But I guess you can't expect everyone to put their life on hold, no matter how much the other person has done for them." I was absolutely gobsmacked. How dare she? Making it out as if she's the one that's been sitting in that chair, begging him to wake up. I stared at Steve to get some reaction from him but he just speedily averted his gaze and looked down at their intertwined hands.

I got the message.

I cleared my throat of the soreness that was developing from how little I had been drinking and even eating in the past weeks. My eyes wandered around the room awkwardly before resting on the one person I did this all for. The one person who wouldn't even look at me right now.

"Uh, its, uh..." The words just weren't coming out. I came here thinking I would have so much to say but now, I could hardly even breathe.

"It's good to see you're awake. Tony told me so I went home and grabbed some clothes for you."

I placed the bag on the floor and he gave me a curt nod and just resorted to staring out the window that was next to his bed. The same window I had been staring out of for five bloody weeks. I shifted in my spot uncomfortably, the silence in the room suffocating me. I fiddled with the car keys in my hand but neither of them said another word to me. I pointed towards the door, about to make my exit, something it looked like both of them were anticipating. "I'm gonna go...but if you need anything, just let me know."

"We won't but thanks." Sharon answered for him with a dirty smirk on her face but his was still blank.

So that's how it's gonna be? Cool.

I turned and grabbed the door handle but gave him one last look. He was staring at me and I begged him with my eyes to make me stop, but he just turned away. My head dropped and I angrily twisted the doorknob.

I threw the door open and stormed out, not being able to watch them in there holding hands, acting as if she's the one that's been there him this whole time.

I was almost out of the building when I ran into Tony. Literally. We almost toppled over but luckily he had a strong hold of himself.

"Hey, hey, where are you running off to? Your carriage ride into the sunset is the other way." I wiped the tears that had involuntary fallen during my sprint out of there.

"Yeah well, looks like all the seats are full. I'd rather just catch an Uber anyway." I mumbled out but I don't even think it made sense. Nothing did right now. He quirked an eyebrow and looked behind me, where Sharon was fast approaching.


"Yeah, Oh." I replied and inhaled deeply, preparing myself for what I know was coming.

"Aliza!" God, that shrill voice made me want to kill myself.

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