forty one

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Aliza's PoV

"What you don't seem to understand is that this is how life should be! Captain, how much quicker would the war have been if you hadn't interfered? Granted, my country was on the same side as yours, but that doesn't mean all the people were. Think about it, you wouldn't be in this era. Who knows? You might have survived and lived out your life. Had a wife and children. Instead you fight the battle of a lost nation and all for what? Sooner or later this technology would have gotten in to someone's hands. You cannot blame us for being the first ones there. Experimentation is key to a world made free of restrictions and powerless beings. Aliza, even your friend Bucky. They are extraordinary! Their power could be second to none at full capacity. We have two soldiers, one who has an infinity stone in her blood and you think what we are doing here is wrong? Imagine how many more of them we could have. I can't say it would be for your side, but it would be helpful indeed."

He was sat up on the desk while everyone else was in a corner tied up. There were 10 agents planted across the room, keeping an eye on everything that was going on. It actually boggled my mind how all 5 of them had managed to get trapped in here and bounded with ropes but nonetheless, they were my idiots so in the sidelines I stayed until I found my perfect moment to strike. Quietly, I jumped up and swinged myself over to get on to the upper level. I crouched and crawled my way behind them all and inserted a flash drive in to what must have been the main computer. Keeping my eyes trained on everyone below, I hacked in and scrolled through all the information that was on there. I smiled gently as I saw locations of what I presume is all the bases, names of workers and even some strategies they were going to implement in future plans. I left the flash drive to download everything as I made my way back to where I was standing before. Adam was still talking but at this point I had had enough of this imbecile droning on and on with his pointless speech. I stepped out of the shadows and fake yawned while leaning up against the railing.

"Please, keep talking. I only yawn when I'm interested."

Everyone turned to look at me with shocked faces. The agents all pointed their gun at me until Adam told them to be at ease. I gestured for the team to simmer down and turned to face him. I walked down the steps so I was now on the same level with all of them. I didn't miss the annoyed expressions on most of their faces and I didn't blame them. This is all happening because of me.

"Temhota! You've made it back. Did you miss me?"

"Like a bee misses winter." I sarcastically spat out. I took a quick glance back to see the team still huddled up around with each other trying to get out of their restraints but I signalled for them to stay put. I turned back to face the bane of my life.

"And that's not my name." I strongly stated out.

"You know, you should really get a hobby. Chasing after me is getting pretty old, don't you think?"

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" He stood up from the chair and made his way over to a large screen.

"You see, after you didn't come back, they asked me to step in again. I knew it was only a matter of time before you were dead or you got your memory back. Personally, I was hoping for the latter."

"How sweet." I fake smiled.

He ignored my comment and continued. "And once you got your memory back, the first place you would come back would be here. I've been told you and Winter had quite the friendship didn't you? All those 'training sessions'?" He used his fingers to make quotation marks as if he was insinuating something else. I shook my head at Steve who darted his eyes between me and Adam with a frown upon his face.

"You see, I was the only one who realised you needed something to rile you up. Something that got you so angry that you wouldn't be yourself anymore. You wouldn't be able to see right from wrong, and that's when your so called 'team' will see you for what I've known you are your whole life. A freak. A monster."

Always You {Steve Rogers}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum