fifty four

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Aliza's PoV

"Oh shit."

I originally woke up feeling warm and fuzzy but when I remembered the circumstances under which I fell asleep, I shot straight up.

I looked down and I was still in my dress from last night. I couldn't imagine just how bad my hair and makeup must have looked in this moment but that wasn't the first thing that crossed my mind. What did was why it was past 11am and I was alone in my bed with a tiny envelope taped to my forehead. The space beside me was slept in which meant that Steve had definitely stayed here last night but I assumed he would have stayed for the morning.

Even the morning after his birthday he wouldn't skip a day of waking up early and training.

I slowly peeled off the envelope with a wince and blinked the blurriness away from my eyes when I noticed there was a note inside. A small, confused smile fleeted across my lips as I read the words aloud. My voice was fairly croaky and I had to clear my throat a couple of times before I sounded remotely human.

'If you want to find out what's going on, go to the kitchen.'

It was definitely Steve's handwriting. I begrudgingly rose out of bed and stumbled in the bathroom where I washed off all the dirt and grogginess from my face before I changed into some comfortable clothes. I made sure to stuff the small note in my pocket and take it with me.

I wandered out of my room and through the hallway but there was something missing.


Mornings in the tower were usually filled with shrieks and chatter but right now it was completely silent. My thoughts were confirmed when I entered the kitchen and saw that the living room was completely empty but spotless. I thought I'd have to clean it but my muscles rejoiced when they saw the space already looking beautiful.

I went straight to the coffee machine but halted as I saw that there was another envelope but this time it was taped to a platter and there was a rose beside it. I quickly walked over and took the note out.

'Hey doll.

Sorry about the other note. I needed to put it somewhere you wouldn't miss it and Tony said your forehead would do.

Of course he did.

I wish I could have been with you right now but I'm a little bit busy organising a surprise for you. After everything you did for me yesterday, I thought it was only fair if I now got to do something for you.

You probably guessed it but the tower is completely empty. I've sent the team out because I know if they were around, the surprise would stay a surprise for about ten minutes and I want to make this as special as I can for you.

The first thing I've done is get you some breakfast. I wish I could tell you that I made it but that would be a lie and technically, I am the 'poster boy for honesty'. Instead I had one of Tony's friends make it for you. I'm hoping you've heard of Alain Ducasse. I haven't but I'm assuming he's good?


I love you.'

My eyes widened as I slipped the note back in the envelope and then in my pocket with the other one. I couldn't believe it. Alain Ducasse? Arguably the best chef in the world? I slowly uncovered the plate and almost salivated at the sight. I didn't know what it would be called, but it looked like chocolate and waffle and fruit and more chocolate heaven.

The diet could start tomorrow.

I giddily sat down and gobbled down the food. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I remembered that I didn't even get a chance to eat properly yesterday since I was so busy running around. Once I had finished eating, I dusted myself off and washed my dishes before looking around the room.

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