twenty eight

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Aliza's PoV

When I woke up, I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I felt on edge and I think some were starting to notice. This morning, I couldn't even bring myself to kiss Steve good morning. I just jumped up and ran straight into the bathroom. When I got out, the room was empty and I just sighed and got dressed.

The whole morning it was like I had a knot in my stomach. There was something in the back of my mind that wouldn't go but I just didn't know what it was. Everytime a door would shut a little loud, I would jump in my own skin. At one point, I almost threw a plate at Tony.

I was sitting on the stool shaking my leg and biting my nails, something I always do when I'm nervous. Luckily, no one was around and I was sipping my coffee slowly, trying to think of all the reasons why I felt so off today. Was I about to start my period? Maybe the energy is just acting up inside of my body? But I felt like I wasn't myself, that's for sure. My mind was elsewhere but I suddenly felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I whizzed around and grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a plate. I almost smashed it against the persons head until I caught a glimpse of chocolate brown ruffled hair.

"Oh my god Tony. Don't do that! You scared me half to death!" I put the plate down and regained control of my breathing.

"Sorry. I didn't think I would get a plate to the head for saying good morning. Are you alright? You look like you've got a lot on your mind?" He proceeded to pour himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to me.

I hesitated with my answer, not sure if I should tell him what's going. I played with the ring on my finger and knawed at my lip. I looked around to make sure no one was around before quietly whispering to Tony.

"Tony. I just feel...weird. Like something is going to happen. And yesterday-"

Before I could finish I heard footsteps approaching into the kitchen. I focused my gaze back on to my cup of coffee that was now almost empty.

"Hey Doll. Tony." Steve and Tony nodded at each other and I saw Tony give me a suspicious look but I pleaded to him with my eyes to not bring it up.

"Well, I think I'm going to go work out for a little bit. I'll see you boys later."

I ran off and I could hear Steve calling me but I didn't look back. Around him, I felt even worse because I hated the fact that I straight up lied to him yesterday so easily. I got to my room and changed into some gym clothes. I was just about to leave when my eye lingered on the desk and that's when I realised that I had to do one thing at least. Just as a precaution. I sat down at the desk and picked up the pen.


"Did you really think it was all real?"

"The family knew what you were and they hated you for it."

"You're no daughter of mine."

Each memory was like another punch to the face but literally a punch to the bag. Now I know why Steve does this so often. It was remarkable for stress relief.

All of their voices were ringing in my head, clear as day. I could easily block them out but I didn't want to. I wanted to hear the sound of my so called family expressing how much they hate me because every minute more I thought about Adam, the softer my heart was becoming. It might have been fake for him but it was real for me. I confided in him and I loved him because I thought he was the only one in my corner. They played a game with me my whole life and I don't even know who I am anymore.

I stopped punching and panted out breath as I leaned my sweaty forehead against the cool leather of the punching bag and closed my eyes.

"Something on your mind?"

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