fourty nine

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Aliza's PoV

"Aliza?" A voice brought me out of my daydream and I swallowed harshly but my throat was dry and my eyes wet. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the super soldier that was sitting on the chair with his back to me.


Bucky turned in his chair slightly with a cheeky smirk on his face. "You're thinking about Steve, aren't you?"

I sighed and sent him a glare. "No."

"Yes you were." He narrowed his eyes playfully at me. "Why don't you just go sort this out? You obviously still love him and it's a shame to see you apart over something you can easily talk about and fix."

"Why don't you go talk to him? You're always joined to my hip. I'm sure he misses his best friend."

"I'm sure not as much as he misses his girl." He smiled at me. Bucky hasn't stopped teasing me since I told him the whole story about what happened a few nights ago. He had stayed over to make sure I would be alright but I was scared Steve would think something more of it when really, Bucky and I were just really good friends and that was something I desperately needed right now.

"Just shut up and eat the plums I cut up for you." I pointed to the plate that was resting on his lap.

"Yes, mother."

I gasped, feigning hurt. "Don't call me that. Let me know what mum has a body like this." I mumbled as I turned his shoulders and straightened the scissors in my hands. "Anyways, What were you were saying?"

"I was saying that you better not have messed this up or I might just have to go all Winter Soldier on your ass."

"Please. I could take you and you know it. Besides, are you forgetting that we trained together for a bit? I know all of your tricks." I ran my fingers through his hair, taking off snippets from the top.

"Tony doesn't though."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my brows as I turned the front and combed it out so I could start cutting it.

"It means I would kick his ass if you asked me to. Him I could definitely take, no questions about it."

"I don't doubt that for a second which is exactly why I'm going to say no." I stepped back and put the scissors down, feeling giddy with the result. I had chopped off all of Bucky's long hair and cut it in to a style that actually belonged to this century. I even shaped up his beard and I couldn't contain my excitement with how much this suited him. I smiled widely and squealed as Bucky looked on in anticipation. I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the chair, almost knocking the plate out of his lap. I covered his eyes and placed him in front of the mirror which was hard since he was a heavy man but also because he was much taller so I had to resort to straining on my tip toes.

I uncovered my hands. "Ta Dah! Am I just the best of what?"

Bucky stood still in front of the mirror, his face expressionless. My stomach churned with nervousness as I waited for his response. He then slowly turned and I saw his lips turn up before he grabbed me and embraced me in a hug.

"I love it! You did amazing doll."

"You sound surprised." I muffled in to his chest before pulling apart and moving to the kitchen to clean up the mess.

"Not surprised exactly. More like relieved."

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes at him. "I've got to tell you, Barnes. That's not much better."

"Well, thank you. Maybe this is what I needed to get me back to feeling like myself again."

"No problem Buckaroo. Glad to be of assistance."

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