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Steve's PoV

It's been two long weeks that she's been in here. The doctors told me she had a concussion, internal bleeding, the cut on her head needed stitches but luckily the knife missed anything important. I had asked Fury for time off and he was reluctant to authorise it, but surprisingly, Stark was the one who helped convince him to give in.

I had been here every single day. Waiting for something, anything. But just like day 1, all I heard was the constant beep of the heart monitor. I sat here, talking to her, apologising, begging her to wake up. But nothing.

It wasn't until day 10 that she finally showed some progress. She squeezed my hand and I jumped up, ready to tell the doctors. Of course, they didn't believe me. But I knew what I felt, and that was enough.

Then came day 13. I was forced home last night to shower, change my clothes and finally get a good nights sleep. But even then, sleep didn't come. I kept picturing her limp body on the floor and the blood that surrounded her. But when I closed my eyes, this time I saw her dying in my arms. No hospital, no surgery. She lay there in her apartment, dead.

It was finally morning and I quickly got dressed, ready for another day of monitors and talking to myself. But when I got to the hospital, the nurse spotted me from the entrance and had a concerned look in her eye. I paced to the front desk, panic running through my face.

"What, what is it? Did something happen while I was gone?" I urged.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down." She stepped forward. Hey eyes widened and nodded at something behind me.

I turned on my heel to come face to face with Aliza's doctor.

"Mr Rogers. I need to speak to you. If you could follow me please." He led me down the corridors and towards Aliza's room. He was silent the entire time and I was unable to read the look on his face which just made all of this worse.

We had finally reached the room, and I was relieved to see that she was still in there. Well, as relieved as you can be to see a loved one in the hospital.

"Mr Rogers. Last night, the monitors picked up extreme distress from Aliza. We rushed to the room but what we saw may be disturbing to you so I am going to put this as lightly as possible."

"Disturbing? Please, just come right out with it."

He sighed and removed the glasses from the bridge of his nose.

"When she had awoken, it was dark in the room, which may have caused her to feel a PTSD like experience. She began thrashing about, ripping the tubes out of her body and screaming the name Steve over and over again. She was screaming for you to save her. We had to strap her down and inject her with an antihistamine to put her back to sleep."

My heart shattered. She was screaming for me. I wasn't able to save her when it happened and I wasn't there when she woke up.

"She should be waking up very soon. I suggest you be here when that happens." One side of his mouth lifted up to give me a curt smile but he then turned and walked away.

I studied Aliza for a bit. Her face had the beautiful tan colour back in the skin. Her lips were no longer pale, but pink and slightly cracked. She looked so peaceful laying there but the various tubes in her body and the bandage around her hairline ruined that. I slowly walked in and planted myself in the chair that's been my home for the past two weeks.

"Hey Princess. I heard you were calling for me last night. Well, I'm here, and I'm never going to leave you again. That's a promise."

I grabbed a hold of her hand and rested my head on it.

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