thirty nine

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Aliza's PoV

My eyes flutters open as I felt a light tickling sensation running up and down my spin. A sleepy smile made its way on to my face as I realised that the feeling was from Steve's delicate fingers.

"Good morning." I whispered, turning over so I was now facing him. He had a bright smile on his face and his eyes shone with delight. We were tangled in the sheets and in each other. It was like the last few months had been taken out of our memories and the only thing that mattered was us.

"Good morning doll." I closed my eyes and snuggled in to his bare chest. His hand molded around my back as he held me close. I traced every line of his toned body, memorising each curve in his muscles. His fingers were also drawing shapes on my back, leaving chills on every part he touched.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered in to my hair.

"Tired and sore. But it was worth it." Steve chuckled along with me as his hand ran through my hair. It was much longer now and I kept on reminding myself I needed to cut it. I stopped for a moment and thought. The only reason my hair grew so long was because I was kept captive. It hit me like a ton of bricks as the ecstasy from last night wore off and I realised that unlike before, I remember ALL of it.

"Steve?" I mumbled in to his arm. He responded with a hm so I continued. "Sometimes I feel like I'm not meant to be here." I randomly admitted to him. His hand stopped running through my hair as he moved back to see my face.

"What do you mean?"

I gently rolled off the bed and clasped my bra back on that was previously hanging off the bed frame. Since it was the closest thing to me, I grabbed the oversized t shirt I was wearing last night and slid it over my body. I stayed silent but I could feel Steve burning a hole in to the back of my head but my mind was swirling with too many thoughts to give credit to it.

"Something always comes in the way. As if, maybe I'm not meant to be here. I'm not meant to have a family. I'm not meant to have you. This all feels like a sweet dream but dreams end and the only thing that lasts after that is cold, harsh reality." I whispered out and I'm not going to lie, even to myself I sounded a little bit insane so I can't imagine what Steve was thinking.

His hands snaked around my waist as he tugged me to face him. Reluctantly I did and his palms clamped around my cheeks. "Don't think like that. Think of it as you coming back to the place you belong. And as far as we are concerned, there's no one else I can see being perfectly meant for me. We are going to last and you know how I know that?" He put a strand of hair behind my ear and I sucked in a breath.

"Because I woke up this morning, rolled over, saw your face, and knew that the first thing I want to do every morning is see you. This is right where you're supposed to be."

I pushed the tears back as I stared up into the blue eyes of the love of my life. "God, you always know how to make me turn on the water works don't you?" I wiped the bottom of my damp eyes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I think you missed." He pouted with a boyish grin on his face. I smirked and leaned down but at the last second jumped up. However, before I could run in to the bathroom, two strong arms wrapped around my waist spun me around making me squeal loudly.


"Aliza!" He mocked my voice and if I wasn't laughing so hard I probably would have punched him. He finally put me down and I caught my breath as he kept his tight grip from behind on my waist and grabbed my forehead to pepper a few lingering kisses.

"Steve. Stop. I have to go back to my room." I tried to wriggle out but how far was I going to get when he's a super soldier?

"Why?" He whined. I gave him a look and he reluctantly let go. "Alright fine. But you better not jump back in to bed. I want to take you out later."

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