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a/n most of this chapter is inspired by an imagine I read a long time ago. I don't remember who the author was but I was just want to say that credit goes to them and I really loved what they wrote which is why I took inspiration from it for this chapter

Steve's PoV

After I heard my door slam I pulled myself away from Sharon. I still wasn't exactly used to all these public displays of affection. They made me feel more uncomfortable more than anything else.

"What was that?" I asked, trying not to make it obvious that I was not into it at all. She placed her bag down and pulled me towards the couch.

"I just missed you. That's all." I rolled my eyes but gave her a small peck on the cheek anyway.

I liked Sharon, but not as much as I hoped I would. 90 percent of the reason I was still with her was because I hoped I would get over Aliza. The fact that she was okay with me being with Sharon just proved to me that she didn't like me so I thought being with Sharon would get my mind off her, but if anything I just thought about her more. When I held Sharon's hand in mine, I couldn't help but compare it to when I held Aliza's. When I kissed her, I closed my eyes and saw Aliza. When I looked into Sharon's eyes, all I saw staring back at me were Aliza's. I needed to get my head in order. Sharon noticed I was staring longingly at the door and roughly pulled my hand into hers.

"Steve listen. I wasn't going to say anything but I can't sit here watching you have your eyes trained on the door like a hawk. She's not going to come back. And the sooner you realise that the better." She placed both her hand around my face and brought it closer to her own. "She doesn't care about you, not the way I do. Which is why, I'm going to have to ask you to stop talking to her." My eyes widened and I ripped myself away from her.

"Sharon. What are you saying? No! I won't stop talking to my best friend just because you think something is there when there's not. I thought we'd established that when I asked you to be my girlfriend." I was lying but that wasn't important right now. It was a lie that I so badly wanted to be the truth.

"Steve. I'm sorry but I know what I see. And yes, I am your girlfriend which means you need to put my needs above everyone else's. And right now, I need you to ditch her, because our relationship won't be able to move forward with her always around you like a lost puppy. She obviously doesn't love you or she would be trying to get in the way of us."
I shook my head and denied her again but she sighed and grabbed her bag before walking towards my door.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but you've left me no choice. If you don't stop talking to her, I'm going to tell her about Captain America, the Avengers, all of it. How do you think she's going to feel not only hearing it from me, but also finding out the reason she was in hospital for two weeks was because you failed to kill Rumlow when you had the chance. I doubt she's going to be your best friend after that. And if that's not enough, think about the fact that you have more enemies than just Rumlow. There would be people lined up to take her down, especially since she's a civilian. Do it tomorrow." She left, slamming my door and leaving me with my head in my hands.

She can't find out now and especially not from Sharon. The stress could cause her to have another breakdown and if she finds out I'm the reason why she had it in the first place, she's going to hate me even more. I can't have that happen. And Sharon was right. People would be after her. And if something were to happen, something worse...I would never be to able to forgive myself. But she's going to hate me if I just drop this on her. But how can I be with someone who could go to such extreme lengths to keep me away from my best friend?

Either way, I'm going to lose her.

Aliza's PoV

It was the next day and I had just gotten home from work when I received a text message from Steve asking me to meet him at some restaurant for dinner. He was so cryptic in the message but I just got changed and caught a taxi there. When I arrived he was nervously tapping his fingers on the table and staring out the window. When he saw me, he quickly jumped up and pulled me into a big hug, holding it there for about 2 minutes.

Always You {Steve Rogers}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें