thirty four

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Steve's PoV

My eyes shot open at the piercing sound of alarms. My head craned up and I winced slightly at the pain of having it in an uncomfortable position all night. When the blurriness from my eyes disappeared, I remembered that I was in Aliza's hospital room. She was still laying in front of me but the buzzer by her bed was flashing red. I took a closer look and noticed that she was slightly twitching.

I jumped up and out of the room in alarm, calling for the nurses. A doctor and a nurse came pacing down the hall and ran straight past me into the room. I attempted to go back in with them, but was stopped at the door.

"I'm sorry Sir. I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside."

I reluctantly took a step back and watched as the door slammed shut. I sighed and walked over to Tony's room to see how he was doing. When I got in there, he was awake and eating a pudding cup with his eyes glued on the tv.

"Is it best for you to be watching tv in your condition?" I asked as I took the seat beside him.

"You make it sound like I'm on my death bed Cap." He put the pudding cup down and switched off the tv.

"Well, you did fall and I recall, you couldn't get back up." I mumbled with a small smile on my face.

I avoided his gaze but I finally met his eyes and they were glaring. I chuckled slightly until it diminished into a long sigh.

"She awake yet?" He asked while still snacking on his pudding.

I shook my head and fiddled with the cup of water I had poured myself before I sat down.

"No. Something is happening now but they wouldn't let me in."

"That 1940s charm not work on any cute nurse?" Tony smirked at me.

"Are you forgetting I'm with your sister?"

"Trust me. I wish I could."

I deadpanned and decided to just ignore his comment as I sunk further in to the chair.

"Crazy night huh?"

Tony finally put the food down and shuffled around on the bed so his legs were now swinging over. "Let's see, sister who had been brainwashed comes back to kill me and trashes my lab which probably will cost thousands to repair and replace some of the equipment that's been destroyed." He rubbed his beard for a second before shrugging his shoulders.

"Honestly I've had worse." He said casually.

I raised my eyebrow and he brought his cup of water to the air. "You didn't party with me back in the 90s." He chuckled before taking a swig of the water.

"Seriously though, how are you doing?"

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my trousers and leaned back in the chair. "I don't know. I don't think I can say until I find out she's okay."

He nodded and was about to say something until there was a knock at the door. Tony wiggled his eyebrows at me in curiosity.

"Come in." He commanded. Even when he was lying in a hospital bed, Tony was still such a personality.

The doctor that has previously ran into Aliza's room was now standing at the door. I stood up and waited for him to come in, hopefully with good news but the look on his face didn't give me much hope.

"Doctor Johnson. Come in." Tony straightened up as Doctor Johnson slowly shuffled into the room and I eyed him up, slightly anxious for the reason why he was in this room.

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