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Aliza's PoV

Bruce and I sat in Tony's lab as the others were out trying to recover Dr Cho's cradle. Bruce and Tony were arguing about something but I zoned out a long time ago, their words just being combined with the rest of the noise my brain was making.

I thought back to the vision that I saw. It was strange because everything else was familiar to me, except the one of the child in the glass cage with the strange man. But every time I pushed myself to remember any details about the vision, my head would start throbbing.

I knew one thing for sure. Ultron must know.

He taunted me earlier when he took me and the fact that he took me at all was even more confusing.
Why out of everyone here would he choose the one that's not even a part of the Avengers to take with him? I'm basically just medical support, if that.

Now that I was thinking about it, what am I doing here? Yeah I fixed a few injuries, I took a mind warp for Bruce but other than that I was like a sitting duck here. I barely even knew who the Avengers are. Aliens? A year ago I would have never believed any of this.

I'd been spending the majority of my day talking to Banner, trying to help him with controlling the Hulk. So far we've had a really good talk but I missed Steve. He's hardly been in the same room as me let alone speak to me since he snapped at me at Clint's farm. Tony's been busy trying to stop the murder bot he created so I couldn't talk to him either. I felt like I was going to explode with all this information running through my head. I could already feel the migraine forming.

My thoughts were interrupted by Clint bringing the cradle into the room. Bruce and Tony jumped up and moved straight to it, analysing each crevice on it. I slipped towards the back as I felt like again, I was intruding on a team moment. I sat and watched as they began tinkering away. Clint left to do something. I sat at Tony's desk, playing with his various pens. I listened as they spoke about uploading Jarvis into the body. I was intrigued when Tony began attaching wires to the cradle and moved closer to see what they were doing. I looked over at Tony's computer screen.

"This framework is not compatible." I accidentally let slip. I was almost about to hide away in the back again but Tony raised an eyebrow at me and I couldn't help but smirk at him when Bruce backed me up.

"She's right. The genetic coding tower is at 97%. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." I smiled at him gratefully at Bruce.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve's boots made a large stomping noise bringing all our attention to him and the two additions behind him. My face lit up as I saw him but dropped as I remembered that he wasn't exactly talking to me currently.

"How about nonce?" Tony quipped back.

"Shut it down!" Steve was advancing forward as the two followed him. Wanda had her eyes on me. Hers were full of apprehension whereas mine were nothing but a cold, hard stare.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony continued doing what he was doing.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve exasperated.

"And you do? She's not in your head?" I didn't hide the distaste I had for Wanda in my voice. Steve looked over at me a little hurt but I kept my hard demeanour up.

She finally stepped out from behind Steve. "I know you're angry."

"Oh, I am way past that." I started off.

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