thirty five

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Steve's PoV

We made our walk to the car in silence, neither of us knowing what to say. I opened the car door for her and she thanked me as she took her seat. I took a deep breath before opening my own door and driving off.

"This is a really nice car." She mentioned as her eyes glanced over the dashboard.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the road and off the girl who they were begging to be actually be on.

"Yeah, my brother was always in to cars and was always talking about engine sizes and miles per gallons, stuff like that. A lot of it flew over my head but I did always enjoy the designs." A small smile was on her lips and I tried not to grimace at the mention of her 'brother'.

"Tony has a whole collection. Maybe you can have a look around."

She seemingly perked up from her previous glum mood and turned to face me but I still kept my eyes glued on the road.

"Really? He'd let me do that?"

"Yeah, why not? Besides, when it comes to you, he never really says no."

I may not have been completely staring at her but I didn't miss the way her smile widened and her eyes twinkled in happiness. She bit her lip and then rested her head up against the window and didn't say much after that except for when she was amazed at the beautiful buildings outside.

As we stepped off the elevator, Tony bounced towards us.

"There you are. I was starting to get worried." He put his arm around Aliza and dragged her away. She looked back at me with an apologetic look but I smiled to dismiss it.

"I was thinking I can show you around the place, make you have more of a feel for your home. What do you say?" She looked towards me as if for permission and I gently nodded. She smiled at Tony and agreed.

"I'd love that. Thank you."

They disappeared into the kitchen and I turned on my heel to make my way to my room. This whole situation was overwhelming and the only way I was going to make sense of this all was if I locked myself away for a bit.

I shuffled into my room when I remembered I needed to put some stuff away. I pulled the box from underneath my bed and opened it.

Inside the box was everything that connected me to Aliza and right now it had to be hidden away. I had been piling more and more stuff in it as the time went on, not wanting to lose a single part of us. The contents of the box included the letter she had written me before she disappeared and some pictures of us together. There were various tickets to gallery openings and concerts she had dragged me to along with the sketchbook that was mostly filled with drawings of her. I even had the ticket stub for the time she went and watched a movie in 3D with me. It was signed on the back because she was proud to be the first person I went with. I rummaged through my pocket and pulled out what the doctor had given to me in the hospital. It was a folded piece of paper as well as the necklace and ring I had given to Aliza in the past. The fact that she still had them made me burst with joy but the circumstance in which I have them right now wasn't exactly pleasant. I placed the necklace and ring in the box before sitting on my bed and opening up the paper.

It was a drawing of me. A very detailed one. It was a copy of an image taken during the battle of New York. I was in my Captain America uniform and my helmet was off but I was roughed up. It's like she had captured even the smallest of cuts perfectly. A name was signed at the bottom but I didn't recognise it. It was definitely her handwriting though.


I was so busy pondering what that meant that I hardly noticed the voices that were coming closer and closer to my door. I quickly shoved everything inside the box and stepped outside, shutting the door behind me.

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