twenty four

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Aliza PoV

I tiptoed out of Steve's room and softly shut the door behind me. I wandered around the hallways until I reached the door that led to my sanctuary. The balcony. In the thick aired quiet of the night, it took a few moments to adjust to the darkness. It felt weird to be back here after almost a whole year but in a strange way, it was like I never left. Everything feels the same, except the tower seems a lot emptier.

As beautiful as Tony's tower is, I missed my apartment. I missed the days where Steve and I would live across from each other and we would go on our adventures because we would just feel like it. And we would be goofy and stupid and young. Now I felt like I was a completely different person and I don't know if I like that or not.

As I stared out into the open city, I realised how much my life had changed. It's been two years since I've moved to New York, two years since I've met Steve, a year since I've spoken to my family and 8 months since I found out they're not really my family.

When I first awoke in Asgard, I thought I was in heaven. I looked out the window to see the most beautiful sunset and a palace that could put Buckingham to shame. It wasn't until Thor stomped into the room that I realised how far away from home I actually was. But it was a fun experience. 10/10. Totally recommend if you're not, you know, almost dying.

I looked into the sky and imagined Heimdall watching me sitting here on the outdoor sofa with my knees brought up to my chest. I smiled softly and sent a small wave, knowing he would see it. Heimdall had become a good friend of mine in my time in Asgard. He was the only one that could provide me with the information I needed, and that was how all of the Avengers were doing. Specifically Steve and Tony.

I sighed and looked into my reflection in the marble of the floor on the balcony. Another reflection joined mine. His mere presence etched a smile on to my face as I turned back to admire him. The faint sound of his slow and calm breathing filled the area.

"What are you doing out here?" Steve leaned against the doors and crossed his arms.

"I missed the view."

He relaxed and came and sat behind me, stroking my head. I lightly hummed and closed my eyes as he played with my hair. When he stopped I pouted but when I turned to meet his face, I understood why.

His eyes were brimming with tears and he blinked rapidly in an attempt hastily get rid of them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I softly mumbled while wiping his cheeks. He grabbed my hands which were on his face and held them close, peppering a few kisses.

"I thought I lost you." He croaked in a low tone.

My face dropped and I tilted my head to try and catch his gaze. "I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere." I lightly pecked his lips, still not used to the feeling.

We pulled apart and I rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close and in that moment, I didn't want anything else.

"Aliza?" Steve softly mumbled against my hair.


"Your vision...why didn't you tell me about it?" He sounded genuinely hurt and it broke my heart to hear that.

"I guess I just didn't have the time. We were fighting at the time, I already felt weak and the whole Ultron thing happened. I didn't want to impose my fears on you at the time."

"I don't ever want you to feel like that. I'm here, always. Okay?"

A goofy smile spread on to my lips. I leaned up to plant a small kiss on his cheek. "Okay."

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