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Aliza's PoV

Again, I spent my whole day trying to find a job. It was tiresome to say the least. I went around to hospitals, medical centres and even Starbucks to hand out my CV but with pretty much the same response.

"We'll say we'll get back to you but don't hold your breath."

Well, they didn't say those exact words, but they might as well have. The only good thing I got out of today was the fact that I bought a dress for tonight. Granted, buying a white dress was hazardous to say the least, but it looked good and that's all I was going for.

When I got home, I spent another hour practically pulling my hair out as I went through about 6 different recruitment websites. I didn't even know what I was applying for anymore.

But now, I was about to wash my hair and start getting ready for tonight. It had grown quite long since the last time I cut it, which was before I moved here. It now reached past my chest and was a few inches away from my belly button. When I looked in the mirror, all that stared back at me was a girl who looked like she was tired. Tired of life.

I rummaged through my drawers until I found what I was looking for. I stared at the silver scissors for a few seconds before cutting large strands off of my hair. I guess you could say this was part of the feng shui thing I've adopted. By the time I was finished, I was running late and my hair was now just past my shoulders.

"Not bad."

I hopped into the shower and tried to let the water wash away my doubts for tonight. In all honesty, I was nervous. I already knew all of Steve's friends were going to be there and now that I know who all of them are, he's going to want to introduce me to them. And by them I mean superhero's. I'm just an ordinary girl. On top of all of that, I hadn't spoken to Tony since that day when we were on the phone and he heard my family berating me. And the cherry on top of this was that I was scared that history would repeat itself. Something dramatic would happen and create even more problems for us.

Just as I was doing the finishing touches on my makeup, there was a knock of my door. When I opened it, it revealed a very handsome super soldier.

"My, my. Who knew it was possible for you to clean up so good?" I teased.

"When there is a beautiful lady to impress, anything is possible."

"Alright Romeo, come in. I just need to put my dress on and we'll get going." He stepped in but stayed at the door.

I leaped into my room and quickly zipped the dress up, sorting my self out in the process. Once I was done, I unclipped my hair, letting the small waves fly to my shoulders and then I smoothed out my dress. I grabbed my bag and with butterflies going crazy in my stomach, I took a deep breath and stepped outside.

Steve had his back to me and was looking at some of the new ornaments I had bought while shopping yesterday. The one he was currently holding was a Captain America shield trinket plate that held my keys.

"Should we get going?" I questioned. He turned and was about to answer but he froze when he cast his eyes on me, which hopefully was a good thing. I saw his eyes look me up and down but his face still showed no expression other than one of a deer in headlights. I cleared my throat and it was like he was finally brought back into reality.

"Y-ou look, I mean you always do, but today, um, you...are breathtaking." He finally stammered out with pink cheeks. I blushed and moved forward, my palms already sweating.

"Thank you Steve." I caught a glance at myself in the full length mirror by my door.

"You cut your hair. I like it short." He said after a few moments of silence passed by. I turned to face him and almost awed at the sheepish smile that was on his face accompanied with the tint of red on his cheek. Feeling a bit more brave than usual, I replied.

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