twenty two

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"Believe it or not but yeah. You got me thinking about a lot of stuff. Like why you took me instead of the actual Avengers."

He chuckled. "It's because you're strong."

"See, you say that, but I don't see how. I'm human, just like most of them in there. If anything, they are stronger. One of them is even a god." I walked closer to the body that was almost touching the ground now.

"Yes, but none of them have an infinity stone actually flowing through their blood."

Aliza's PoV

"Urm, you what?"

"That sceptre your new friend Wanda got her powers from, contained an infinity stone. You have a part of another in you."

"But...what? How?"

He was now fully on the ground and I stood opposite him with a confused expression on my face.

"Aliza. You have much to learn. And I wish I had the time to teach it to you. But I think you're going to be too dead to hear it. I've accounted for the fact that you do have part of an infinity stone inside of you and got hold of a bullet manufactured especially for you. I hope you feel special now."

He tapped what looked like a small missile on his arm and walked past me. I panicked, needing him to stay here.

"Wait!" He turned around and I could swear there was a smirk on his metal face. At least he had his back to Tony now. This would make the next part a lot easier. I pushed back all the thoughts that were whirring around in my head and focused on what was happening in front of me.

"You know me, what I am. How?"

"I know everything. I've seen every single database on the planet and you don't even want to know which ones your name is on."

"Tell me. I deserve to know how I fit in to all of this. You're going to kill us all anyway."

I saw Tony edge closer but did my best to not look at him and tip Ultron off. He was going painfully slow but at least he wouldn't make any noise and jeopardise the whole plan.

Ultron paused and squinted his eyes. "Why not? Gather round kids, I'm about to tell a story of old. There once was a mad scientist who got his hands on an infinity stone. Your boyfriend probably knows him very well. Even after his death, his findings made it possible to successfully administer a child with a serum he made out of the space stone. That child was you."

I froze. Me?

"The serum would make the child smart and strong and they kept her for a while until she became a danger to the staff. They wiped her memory vigorously and sent her to a family. But the family knew what she was and they hated her for it. They wanted to drive her out, which is why they bullied and beat her. At one point, she ran away. Her so called brother sent her to the one place that she shouldn't have gone. Captain America. Because he knew that if she got close to him, the people that brought her to them would find her and inevitably take her back and that would break the Captain down. He sent you there with the hope that you would be taken."

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