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Aliza's PoV

"And that's how we're going to do it." Everyone stood around me with surprised but astonished looks on their faces. I looked towards Steve who had a proud smile on his face and I pushed down the nervousness that was attempting to bubble up on to the surface.

"This sounds like a pretty fool proof plan to me, but what if Barnes is in the Winter Soldier mode?" Clint asked as he played with one of his arrows.

"If that's the case, then Steve said he can get him out of it. Now come on, are you guys with this or not?"

"Aliza, we all know Steve would follow you to the ends of the earth-" Steve blushed and I winked playfully at him. "-and Tony and Sam would follow Steve, and Natasha would follow Tony and Wanda and I would follow Natasha, but we have to talk to Fury first." Clint leaned against the counter with a less enthusiastic face than before but my smirk widened.

"Oh, don't worry. I've thought about that too."


"You want me to let my team go on a destroy and extraction mission based on the whim of someone who is basically a child-"

"I'm 26." I frowned.

"-who herself recently was under the influence of the same organisation she wants to help take down. I understand you're now a Stark-"

"-Always been one actually." Steve patted my hand to get me to calm myself so I simmered down.

"Are you speaking for the team or is this like a high school project for you?"

"They've all agreed to it. Right guys?" I turned my head, expecting to see several nods of approvals but all I got back were bowed heads and eyes darting around the room trying to avoid my own. Steve was the only one with his head held high with determination. I glared and turned back to Fury.

"Whatever. If it's not this team, then any other extraction team can do the job. You've seen the plans, they're near perfect. Let us do this."

"I will not take orders from you just because you're Stark's sister."

"Maybe this might help." I pulled out the folder from behind my back and presented it in front of him. The whole team perked up as even they did not know what was inside of it. Fury eyed it suspiciously before taking it in his hand and opening it. I watched as his scowl dropped and was replaced with the ghost of a smirk.

"Very well then Miss Stark. You've got yourself a team and a mission." Fury walked out leaving me feeling accomplished.

"Thanks for the support guys." I stormed out the room but I couldn't get very far before I felt a tight grip on my wrist and I was pulled in the direction of a deserted hallway and pushed up against the wall.
I should have screamed but I knew who it was.

"Steve!" I rubbed the wrist he had basically strangled. "Do you have to be so super soldier all the time?"

"Sorry doll. Kiss it better?" He took my wrist and brought it up to his lips, peppering small kisses all over it. He watched me through his eyelashes so I'm sure he saw the way I burned scarlett. I pulled my wrist away but wrapped both arms around his neck as his went to my waist.

"You're lucky you're cute Rogers." I sighed, the actual problem surfacing now. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing here or is it just me being a bit naive and thinking I know how to fix everything? Because things didn't exactly work out the last time I thought I could." I looked down at Steve's chest.

Soft fingers tilted my head up so I was now staring in to the bright blue eyes of my boyfriend. "I think you're doing the right thing, and it doesn't matter if the whole team isn't behind you. I'll always be on your side, fighting your corner."

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